Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jazz Festival

Hace dos fines de semana se celebro el 32 festival de jazz de Chicago y por supuesto, teniendo a Thomas como apasionado de la musica, teniamos que hacer una visita obligatoria :) Cogimos el tren por la manana deseosos de llegar a Grant Park y disfrutar de la musica, llegamos a la ciudad y caminamos hasta el parque, donde empezamos a explorar todos los escenarios y bandas que estaban tocando. Al principio pensamos que la primera banda que vimos no era nuestro tipo de musica y no nos gusto mucho, por lo que seguimos buscando otras bandas, sin tener mucho exito...algunas bandas eran buenas, el problema era el sonido, los tecnicos podrian haber optimizado el sonido mucho mas, pero bueno, vimos varios conciertos que no estuvieron nada mal :)
The 32nd Chicago's Jazz festival was celebrated two weekends ago and since Thomas is a real fan of jazz music we headed to the city to attend the festival :)
We took the train in the morning looking forward to arrive in Grant Park and enjoy the music. We finally arrived in the city and walked to the park, where we started exploring the area with all the different band and stages. We thought that we were just a bit unlucky because we didn't like much the first band we listened to, so we kept on looking for other better ones without success...some of the bands were nice, the problem was the sound. The technicians could have done a better job, but still we could listen to some nice bands :)

Seguimos explorando la zona buscando algo de comer, pero solo encontramos comida rapida, entre los tenderetes, uno de churros :)) habia que probarlos, claro!
We kept on exploring the place looking for something to eat, but we only found some fast food. Among the tents we found a "churros" tent, so we had to try them!

American bbq. Barbacoa americana

Churros tent. Puesto de churros

Thomas with our churros. Thomas con nuestros churros

Con el estomago lleno, seguimos explorando la zona, esperando a los conciertos que habia por la noche en un escenario gigante. Mientras tanto, pasamos el rato viendo algunos conciertos que iban desde el jazz mas alternativo a lo mas comercial del mundo y yo, para ser sincera, me aburri bastante :)
We filled our stomachs and wait for the concerts late at night which were supposed to be nicer and in a huge stage. While waiting, we listened to some of the bands playing finding really alternative jazz and the other extreme, very commercial music. To be honest, I was very bored :)

Big stage. Escenario grande para los conciertos de la noche

Estabamos todo esperanzados pensando que un concierto en un escenario como ese no podia ser decepcionante. Nos reunimos con nuestros amigos Patricia e Igor y nos dirigimos al gran concierto, pero de nuevo...un rollo, jeje! para nuestro gusto, claro. Hay que remarcar que el lugar estaba abarrotado y que habia musica para todos los gustos, eso si, no del nuestro. Pero como la noche es joven, nosotros no tiramos la toalla y decidimos ir a un club de jazz donde se podia cenar y ver conciertos. Ademas, esa noche habia "jam session". Nos dirigimos a "Andy's Jazz Chicago", donde disfrutamos de una buena cena y un concierto mucho mejor que lo que habiamos visto hasta el momento.
We thought the concerts at night would be better, so we met our friends Patricia and Igor and all together went to the big concert. Once again...it was boring! for our taste, of course. I have to say that the place was crowded and there was music for all kind of people.
At that point we really wanted to listen to nice jazz music, so we didn't give up and decided to go to a nice jazz club where you can eat and listen to live music :). Moreover, that night there was a jam session. After walking for 30 minutes we arrived in "Chicago Andy's Jazz", where we enjoyed dinner and a very cool concert, a lot better than what we had seen before.

Lo mejor de la noche llego cuando empezo la jam session y tres "abueletes" con todo el carino y respeto de la palabra, se subieron al escenario. Fue increible, tocaban genial y ademas, varios saxofonistas y trompetistas se unieron, entre ellos un chaval muy joven que tocaba el saxofon que se ponian los pelos como escarpias :). La verdad es que la experiencia merecio la pena y el dia acabo genial, dejandonos un buen sabor de boca. Repetiremos!!
The best part of the night was the jam session. Three "granpas" (with all my love and respect for them) went on the stage and it was really incredible once they started playing, they sounded amazing! some sax and trumpet players joined the session and one of them was a very young guy who played like a real professional, we were really gobsmacked! To be honest it was really worth it and a great day was had by all. We will repeat!!

"The granpas" band. La banda de "los abuelos" que tocaban genial!!

Comida espanola!! Spanish food!! lekker!

La semana pasada tuve unas ganas enormes de todo tipo de comida espanola, especialmente arroz con pollo (mi comida casera favorita) y tortilla de patatas, que rica!! En casa solemos hacerla de vez en cuando, pero aun no habiamos preparado ninguna desde que llegamos a USA y ya era hora ;) Asi que la semana pasada, intentando conseguir el mejor de los sabores prepare arroz con pollo, sin llegar a conseguir el sabor que le da mi madre, eso es imposible...y al dia siguiente tortilla. La hicimos super grande porque queria que mis companeros la probasen, asi que me la lleve al dia siguiente y todos aquellos que quisieron y vinieron a comer, pudieron probarla. Creo que les gusto bastante :), si estais leyendo esto manifestaos, jaja!!
La tortilla era bastante grande y no teniamos un plato tan grande para darle la vuelta, pero al final tuvimos exito y nos quedo...preciosa!! y deliciosa!!
Por si alguien aun no sabe la receta, os voy a escribir aqui el procedimiento y los ingredientes. Merece la pena probarla!!

Last week I really felt like eating and preparing Spanish food, especially chicken with rice (my favourite home made meal) and tortilla de patatas, so delicious!! We use to prepare tortilla from time to time, but we hadn't prepared it since we arrived in USA so it was about time to do it :), so last week and trying to get the genuine flavour I prepared chicken with rice and of course, I didn't get my mother's incredible flavour and the next day we prepared tortilla. We made a pretty big one because I wanted to take it next day for my colleagues to taste it, so everyone who joined for lunch could eat a piece. I think they really liked it, so if any of you is reading this just tell the rest of the world :)
The tortilla was quite big and we didn't have a plate big enough to turn it, but we succeeded and it was beautiful!! and delicious!!
Just in case someone still doesn't know how to prepare it and wants to try, I'll write here the ingredients and how to make it. Enjoy it!!

-Patatas Potatoes
-Huevos Eggs
-Cebolla (opcional)
-Onion (optional
-Aceite de oliva (olive oil)

Se cortan las patatas en trocitos pequenos y tambien la cebolla. Se anade una buena cantidad de aceite de oliva en la sarten y se sofrie la cebolla. Se anaden las patatas y se doran, no deben estar completamente fritas.
The first thing is cut the potatoes in small pieces and chop the onions. Put a generous amount of olive oil in the pan and first fry a little bit the onions and then add the potatoes. Leave them in the pan until they are golden, not completely fried.

Se baten los huevos. Hay que poner una numero de huevos suficiente para que la tortilla no se quede seca. En este mismo bowl donde se han batido los huevos, se anaden las patatas y se mezclan con el huevo.
Wisk the eggs. The amount of eggs should be big enough to avoid the tortilla to be dry. In the same bowl where the eggs were wisked, the potatos can be added and mixed with the egg.

Todo junto se pone ahora en la sarten y se deja que se cuaje para poder darle la vuelta sin peligro. Como se le da la vuelta? Se pone un plato encima de la sarten, lo suficientemente grande para abarcar toda la superficie de la sarten: se agarra el plato y la sarten y se le da la vuelta a la tortilla. Con cuidado se pone de nuevo la tortilla en la sarten, esta vez por la otra cara y se deja que se cuaje por completo. Lista!
Now we can put everything altogether in the pan and leave it until it becomes a bit consisten so it is possible to turn it without danger :) How can we turn the tortilla? We need a plate that covers the surface of the pan, we put it on top of the pan and then grab the plate with one hand, the pan with the other and turn the tortilla. Now it should be on the plate and from here, back to the pan. After a couple of minutes it should be cooked and ready!!

Espero que os haya gustado y que la probeis!!
I hope you try it and you like it!!