Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011, double this year. Accion de gracia, fiesta doble este año

Y otra vez este año tuvimos el honor de ser invitados a no una, sino dos cenas de Accion de Gracias!
Christina, mi compañera y Lyle, su novio, nos invitaron a cenar en su casa, al igual que el año pasado.
Es una fiesta que me encanta, es entrañable, divertida y la comida esta buenisima!! He de decir que Christina y Lyle son ambos excelentes cocineros y que ademas, les gusta preparar cosas distintas cada vez y ademas, mas y mas ricas.
Uno de los hechos mas divertidos de la noche es que eramos 11 personas de 10 nacionalidades distintas :): dos españoles (yo una), un belga, dos suecos, una taiwanesa, dos indios, un canadiense, una americana y una irani. No es maravilloso?
Once again this year we had the honor of being invited to not one, but two, Thanksgiving dinners!
Christina, one of my colleagues and Lyle, her BF, invited us for dinner in their house as last year.
Thanksgiving is a nice party, I love it! It is familiar, traditional, funny and with delicious food. I must say that Christina and Lyle are both excellent cooks.
One of the funny facts of the evening was that we were a group of 11 people of 10 different nationalities :): two Spanish, one Belgian, two Swedish, one Taiwanese, two Indians, one Canadian, one American and one Iranian. Isn't it wonderful?
A las 5 y media de la tarde llegamos a casa de los anfitriones. El pavo acababa de salir del horno despues de 4 o 5 horas de horno y 2 o 3 dias de preparacion, inyecciones de caldo, mantequilla, hierbas, etc.
Junto con el pavo habia varios platos de acompanamiento: judias verdes con piñones, pure de calabaza, salsa de arandanos de dos clases, una cocinada por Christina y otra por Lyle, patatas asadas, zanahorias, arroz salvaje, gravy y stuffing, hecho con salchichas, trozos de pan y castañas. Todo riquisimo, yo comi un poco de todo, lo podeis ver en la foto de mi plato :)
We arrived there at 5:30. The turkey was just out of the oven after 4 or 5 hours of baking and 2 or 3 days of preparation with broth injections, butter, herbs, etc.
There were many side dishes as well: green beans, pumpkin puree, gravy, cranberry sauce of two different styles, one made by Christina and one by Lyle, baked potatoes, carrots and parsnip, wild rice and stuffing, made with sausage, bread and chestnuts. Everything was delicious, I tried a bit of everything. You can see it on the picture of my plate :)

The turkey about to be served! El pavo a punto de ser servido!

Christina tossing the beans. Christina preparando las judias.

Pictures of Lyle cooking and carving the turkey. Fotos de Lyle cocinando y a punto de trinchar el pavo.

El super pavo!!

Thomas y Eduard.

Pan, Christina and Sumona.

Mi plato y yo. Yo y mi plato, jeje!

Nosotros llevamos cava y vino blanco para acompañar y el resto de invitados tambien llevo algo para beber y/o comer.
De postre, la maravillosa tarta de calabaza y batata de Christina, que delicia!
We took cava and white wine to drink with the food. For dessert, we had the wonderful pumpkin and sweet potato pie of Christina, what a delight!

Christina decorating and cutting the pie. Christina decorando y cortando la tarta.

Despues de la cena hubo amenizacion a cargo de Eduard, con su juego de los circulos y las cruces y mas tarde jugando a "Tabu", chicos contra chicas :)
After dinner we played a game of "crosses and circles" by Eduard's intervention, hehe! and we played Taboo afterwards, boys vs girls.

Eduard regañando a Lars por no doblar bien los papeles. Eduard nagging Lars for not folding the papers properly, LOL!

Lo pasamos genial en compañia de gente estupenda, me rei bastante y lo agradeci...Ahora no se si habra una proxima cena de Accion de Gracias aqui en Chicago...aunque siempre puedo hacer una en Europa!!
We had a great night with wonderful people, I laughed a lot and I really needed it. I don't know if there will be another Thanksgiving dinner next year in Chicago...even though we can always prepare one in  Europe!!

La siguiente cena fue el domingo, a punto de terminarse el puente de Accion de Gracias. Esta vez en casa de una colega de Thomas, con ella, su familia y mas compañeros de Thomas.
Llegamos alli a las 3 de la tarde y habia ya una inmensidad de cosas para picar...Nosotros llevamos distintas clases de queso: manchego con membrino, Gouda, queso azul y brie. Aqui lo veis en la foto, junto con otros frutos secos, datiles, orejones, anacardos, humus y quiche. Buenisimo!
Por supuesto, tambien bebimos cava :) y buen vino.
The next party was on Sunday, the last day of the Thanksgiving break. This time in the house of one of Thomas' colleagues, together with her family and other colleagues.
We arrived there around 3 pm and there were already tones of things to eat. We brought different kinds of cheeses: manchego with quince paste, Gouda, blue cheese and brie. You can see it on the picture together with other nuts, dates, dry apricots, cashu nuts, humus and quiche. Delicious!
We drank cava an wine, of course ;)

Mesa con aperitivos! All the appetizesrs!

David enjoying the cheese

One of the stars of the night, Alex. Una de las estrellas de la noche, Alex.

The other star, Ela. La otra estrellita, Ela.

El pavo era bastante grande y tardo bastante tiempo en asarse. Junto con el pavo habia varios platos de acompañamiento. La familia que nos invito es de Turquia y ademas de ser muy generosos y amables, prepararon toneladas de riquisima comida turca.
Habia arroz con pinones, ensalada de zanahoria con yogur y cebolla, "black-eyed peas", falafel traido por Bilge and Tarik, ensalada, esparragos a la plancha, etc. 
David, un companero de Florida, trajo dos platos tipicos del sur, judias verdes con pan rayado por encima y salsa de champinones y "cacerola de batata" cubierta de nueces con azucar!
The turkey was pretty big and it took a long time until it was fully cooked. Together with the turkey there were many sides. The family who invited us is from Turkey and they prepared many Turkish side dishes. They are awesome!
There was rice with pine nuts, carrot salad with yogurt, black-eyed peas, falafel brought by Bilge and Tarik, salad, asparagus, etc. 
David, a colleague from Florida brought typical Southern sides: green beans and sweet potato casserole, with walnut topping!

Waiting for the turkey and with the other dishes. Esperando el pavo, podeis ver el resto de platos.

Tarik and Bilge.

Ozge carving the turkey and Thomas waiting to eat it :) Ozge trinchando el pavo y Thomas esprerando para comerselo.

Thomas echandose el jugo del pavo. Thomas pouring some of the turkey juice.

El maravilloso pavo de 10 kilos, deliciosa carne blanca sin grasa! Wonderful 20 pound turkey, delicious white meat with almost no fat ;)

Thomas & Ela

De postre, baklava!!! Esa maravilla turca!
Baklava for dessert, that Turkish wonder!!

Una vez mas pasamos un maravilloso dia en compania de gente aun mejor!
We had a great night together with even nicer people!

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