Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Art Institute of Chicago II. Instituto de arte de Chicago II

El domingo fuimos con el padre de Thomas al insituto de arte de Chicago, es el mejor museo de Chicago segun mi opinion. Ya hice un post sobre este maravilloso lugar aqui.
En esta ocasion pudimos disfrutar de nuevas colecciones y aqui os muestro la pieza que mas me gusto :) Me parece espectacular por el estilo, el color, lo retro, es genial! La obra pertenece al artista aleman Gerhard Ritcher y se llama "Woman descending the staircase" (Frau die treppe herabgehend, 1965).
Last Sunday we went to the Art Institute of Chicago with Thomas' dad. It is the best museum of Chicago according to my opinion. I already wrote a post about it, here.
We could enjoy new collections and here I show my favorite piece :) I think it is gorgeous, it has a unique style and color. Genius! It is called "Woman descending the staircase" (Frau die treppe herabgehend) by the German artist Gerhard Ritcher in 1965.

A pesar de disfrutar absolutamente de todas las exposiciones, hay algunas piezas que son  un autentico desproposito...(siempre segun mi opinion).
Even though I enjoy every single piece of the different exhibitions, there are some works which are completely ridiculous (my opinion, as always).

Palito de colores. Colored stick...

El mejor de todos. Simply the best.

Por otra parte, habia otras colecciones que merecian la pena por lo rompedoras, coloristas y vanguardistas:
On the other hand, there were other collections which were really worth it. They were colorist, innovative and avant garde:

Espero poder ir otro dia antes de dejar esta maravillosa ciudad :(
I hope to go once again before leaving this wonderful city :(

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