Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Monday, October 22, 2012

Big food portions. Grandes raciones de comida

Algo que aun nos sorprende de la vida americana son las porciones gigantes de comida que se sirven normalmente en los restaurantes. Exceptuando algunos restaurantes mas selectos, en los demas uno se puede ir rodando de alli, jeje! Tengo millones de ejemplos, pero este es de hoy, aqui veis la mega ensalada de pollo que he pedido; lo que lleva encima son tiras de tortillas mejicanas, algo muy comun aqui tambien en ensaldadas y sopas :) Thomas se ha tomado una hamburguesa en tiempo record, como siempre, jeje! Lo bueno de todo esto es que normalmente te puedes llevar a casa lo que no puedas terminarte, con lo que la comida no se tira a la basura.
If there is something that still amazes us of our American life is the huge food portions that are served normally in the restaurants. There are some exceptions in some more exclusive restaurants, but for the rest the amount of food is really incredible and people leave the place completely satisfied, I believe :) I have many examples, but this one is from today. The day was beautiful and we wanted to eat something enjoying the sun in a terrace. Here you can see my huge chicken salad with stripes of tortillas, something very common here in soups and salads :) Thomas ordered a burger and ate it in a record time as always, hehe! The best of all is that you can take home everything you can't finish so food doesn't go to the trash.

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