Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Llego la boda de Almudena. Almudena's wedding

Por fin el pasado sabado 11 de agosto llego la boda de Almudena. Vole a España el jueves por la noche, llegue a Madrid el viernes por la mañana y tuve tiempo de descansar y llegar fresca al evento :) Trabaje en el avion, escribiendo una beca Marie Curie, 30 paginas de solicitud en menos de 5 dias, para reventarse.
El viaje aunque cansado merecio la pena, la ida fue estupenda, la vuelta un infierno...De todos modos, quiero dejar aqui plasmado este dia, que recordare como un dia precioso mientras estaba en Chicago. Os dejo algunas fotos que resumen la boda.
Last Saturday August 11th, Almudena and Dani's wedding was celebrated. I flew to Spain on Thursday night and I arrived in Madrid on Friday morning. I had time to rest and arrive bright to the event. I worked in the plain, writing a Marie Curie proposal, with an application of more than 30 pages in less than 5 days. I'm happy Thomas helped me :)
The trip was worth it, going there was easy but the back was an odisey. However, I'd like to post about the wedding here to keep it as a nice memory of something that happened while I was in Chicago. Here are some pictures of the wedding.

La pareja recien casada. Just married couple.

Mariposas de arroz. Rice butterflies.

Grupo de amigos de la novia (ahora tambien del novio). Bride's friends (now also groom's)

Foto con la novia. Picture with the bride.

El jamon finiquitado, que pena!! The end of the ham, sad!!

Sevillanas :)

Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO

Disfraces en la fiesta. Costumes for the party.

El viaje me sento fenomenal, ver a mi familia aunque sea por poco tiempo es como mi gasolina :) El viaje no fue lo relajante que deberia por cuestiones de trabajo, pero teniendo en cuenta los tiempos que corren, no me quejo!!
La vuelta se trunco cuando tuvimos que hacer un aterrizaje de emergencia en el estado de Maine (USA). Hubo una emergencia medica, una chica sufrio un ataque de asma y los medicos que habia en el avion le pidieron al capitan que aterrizase. El vuelo se retraso dos horas y al llegar a Chicago tuvimos que hacer mas de 3 horas para pasar la aduana. Al final llegue a casa a las 9 de la noche, en vez de a las 2 del mediodia...Me perdi la presentacion de Haohao, un estudiante que ha trabajado conmigo este verano y que ya estara de vuelta en Francia. Ademas, no le dije a mi jefe que me iba a Espana y al final, no llegue a la reunion del grupo, pero buen, en peores plazas hemos toreado, jeje! Al menos, disfrute de la boda!! Felicidades chicos!!
The trip was fantastic, just the fuel I needed to continue some more months here, seeing my family :) The trip wasn't as relaxing as it could have been due to working issues, but considering the difficult economical moment we have right now I won't complain!!
The trip back went wrong because we had to land unexpectedly in Maine (USA) due to a medical emergency. A girl in the plain had an asthma attack and the doctors asked the captain to land asap, I hope she feels better wherever she is. The flight was delayed 2 hours and we had to wait 3 hours in Chicago to go through customs, I was absolutely desperate!! I arrived home at 9 pm instead of at 2 pm...I missed Haohao's presentation. He is my summer student and after 3 months working in Chicago I missed his presentation :(. Moreover, I didn't tell my boss I was coming to Spain and then he discovered I didn't show up for the group meeting...uff...whatever! worse things happen in life, hehe! Congratulations again to the couple!!


  1. Amparo, precioso el resumen! Mil gracias por venir. Un besazo :)
