Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The bacon fest :)

Hoy va otra vez de comida rapida!! El domingo pasado fuimos a "la fiesta del bacon" :) uno de los 20 eventos que habia en Chicago ese dia. El plan era pasar por este festival que estaba de camino a un fetival cubano. Al final solo fuimos a este porque el cubano estaba mucho mas lejos de lo que parecia en el mapa, jeje!
Cuando lei sobre este festival "Edge Fest", como siempre, crei que seria algo mas gastronomico y cultural: diferentes tipos de bacon, como cocinarlos, como curarlos, ahumarlos, etc. Al final, resulto ser lo de siempre, un pequeño mercadillo y un par de puestos de comida rapida. Eso si, aun me puedo sorprender por lo que se sirve en estos sitios, desde luego no apto para nuestro estilo de vida de dieta sana y deporte (nuestro nuevo entrenamiento deportivo en proximos posts!), pero siempre se puede hacer una excepcion y vivir el momento, jeje!
I'll talk about fast food again today!! Last Sunday we went to the "bacon fest" ;) one of the 20 events happening in Chicago during that day. The plan was stop by this festival on our way to a Cuban festival. We finally didn't make the Cuban one because it was pretty far and it took almost two hours by train.
I read some stuff about the festival and to be honest, it looked more gastronomical and culinary than what it really was. Once we arrived there we found the same story again, a small street market with a couple of fast food tents. However, I was still surprised by the kind of food seved there, not really for our life style based on healthy diet and sports, but we can make some exceptions and carpe diem! (btw, our new workouts will be coming on next posts).

Llegamos al lugar en cuestion y en la entrada nos pidieron amablemente un donativo de 5$ por entrar :), todo voluntario claro...Habia un escenario de musica country a la entrada del festival, no tenian mucho ritmo y hacia mas de 30 grados, con lo que no tuvieron mucho exito...
We arrived to the festival and we were asked for 5$ "voluntary" donation to enter there :) There was a stage with a country music band. The rythm wasn't too good and it was more than 30C so I don't think they were very successful...

Escenario de musica country. Country music stage.

Continuamos explorando el lugar, que solo era una calle, jeje! Habia varios puestos de artesania mas o menos interesantes y algunos puestos de bisuteria y complementos. Todo normal hasta llegar a la parte central del festival, el bacon!!
Uno de los primeros puestos vendia "donuts de bacon" y todo tipo de frutas cubiertas en chocolate y con trocitos de bacon, asi como suena.
We started exploring the place, something easy considering it was located in only one street :) There were tents of art and paintings and other ones of cheap jewelry and accesories. Everything seemed normal until we reached the center of the festival, bacon!!
One of the first tents served "bacon donuts" and chocolate covered fruit with pieces of chocolate. I'm really NOT used to this, hehehe!

Carta de comidas :) Menu cart.

Fruta con chocolate y trozos de bacon. Chocolate covered fruit with pieces of bacon.

En el otro extremo de la calle habia otro escenario, por suerte este grupo sonaba mucho mejor. Thomas y yo nos quedamos un ratito a escucharlos mientras nos tomabamos nuestra "Coronita light", si chicos, la "Coronita" aqui es "Corona" y la gente la toma light. No sabe a nada y ademas, no tiene ningun sentido si la acompañas con comida con millones de calorias :) pero bueno, estaba fresquita, jaja!
At the other end of the street there was another stage and luckily the band playing sounded a lot better. Thomas and I stayed there listening to them while we drank our "Corona light". Corona is called "Coronita" in Spain because there is a brand of tobacco called "Corona" there, so I guess they couldn't name the beer Corona. I don't know why people drink light beer constantly, it does not have any taste and people drink it while eating food with millions of calories...Anyway, it was cold!!

Segundo escenario del festival. Second stage of the festival.

Thomas and I with our Corona light. Thomas y yo con "Coronita light"

A continuacion os muestro algunas fotos de los puestos, el tipo de comida y lo que alli se servia. Lo que mas me llamo la atencion fueron las patatas fritas. Hacian unos platos gigantes de patatas fritas tipo "chip" y luego les ponian queso por encima y bacon, claro. Demasiado, jeje!
You can see here some pictures of the tents, the food and what was served there. The most surprising thing for me was the plates of potato chips. They were huge and they had cheese on top and bacon. It was just too much!!

Puesto de comida polaca. Polish food tent.

Platito de patatas. Small plate of potato chips :)

Otra cosa llamativa fue el "Elvis sandwich", muy light :)
The "Elvis sandwich" was also surprising, very light too :)

Thomas se pidio un perrito caliente con la salchicha envuelta en bacon y yo me tome una hamburguesa pequeñita de bacon, que la verdad no estaba buena.
Thomas had a bacon wrapped hot dog and I ordered a bacon burger, but it wasn't very tasty.

 Esto fue todo lo que hicimos por alli, tampoco fue grandioso, pero lo pasamos bien. Terminamos la tarde yendo al centro de Chicago y disfrutar del ambiente. El fin de semana pasado fue el festival de musica "Loolapalooza", mas de 90.000 personas vinieron a Chicago, asi que se notaba el ambiente festivalero por la calle.
Aun tengo pendiente hacer un post de lo que se ve desde el tren cuando se va desde Evanston a Chicago, hay zonas que son de pelicula, entre ellas, la que veis en la foto, casas justo rozando la via del tren...Chicago tiene cosas impresionantes en todos los sentidos!! Adios!!

Eating was the last thing we did there. It wasn't really great but we had a good time. We ended up the evening going downtown and enjoying the nice environmente there. Last weekend it was the "Loolapalooza" festiva and more than 90.000 people came to Chicago to join the festival. The environmente was young and lively.
I still  need to write a post about what can be seen from the train when going from Evanston to Chicago. There are many different areas and some of them are just surprising, as for example the one on the picture where the houses are just freaking close to the railway. Chicago is amazing in every single sense!! Byee!!

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