Aun no tenemos nada de decoracion, las paredes estan vacias y no hay nada en las mesas o en el dormitorio, por lo que ire pensando en un par de cosas pequenas que alegren la casa y tambien pondre fotos de la familia y amigos.
En este video os enseno el apartamento en si, aunque tambien tenemos otras zonas comunes como la piscina, el gimnasio, la sala de reuniones, tintoreria y arreglo de ropa, garage para bicis, etc. El edificio ademas tiene la sala de lavadoras y secadoras, una habitacion de invitados, ascensores especiales para hacer mudanzas y un portero las 24 horas del dia, bueno en realidad 3 porteros, jeje!
Espero que os guste la casa y sobre todo que sepais que estais invitados a venir y disfrutar de Evanston y de Chicago!!! uooohhh!!!
Today I'd like to show you our new apartment in Evanston. I think most of you have already seen some pictures, but now we have all the furniture and it looks like a real house :)
We still don't have any decorative items around, the walls are empty, the tables, etc, so I have to think of a couple of small things to give some light to the house. I also would like to have pictures of my family and friends around the house.
In this movie I show you the apartment, but we also have some other common places like the swimming pool, the gym, the meetings room, the laundy room, valet, guest room, special elevators for movings, a 24 hours door person (actually 3, hehe!)...
I hope you like our house and I want you to know that you all are invited to come and enjoy Evanston and Chicago with us!!! uoooohhh!!!
Aqui teneis el link del video y algunas fotos. Here you have the link to watch the movie and some pictures: