Recuerdo perfectamente haber ido de pequeña al menos dos veces a la iglesia para cumplir con el ritual. El sacerdote esparce en la cabeza de cada uno, cerca de la frente, un puñadito de ceniza diciendo las palabras: "polvo eres y en polvo te convertiras". Sin embargo, esta ceniza no se ve, se te cae al poco tiempo y nunca es visible para el publico.
Hi! Today is ash Wednesday and according to the catholic tradition, it is the beginning of lent. Spanish Catholic people, who practice the religion and go to church regularly, are supposed to go to church today and the priest spreads ash on their heads.
I remember going a couple of times when I was small. The priest spreads the ash while he says: "you are ash and you will become ash" (don't know the literal translation). However, the ash is not visible and it flies after a couple of minutes.
Junto con esta tradicion, no se debe comer carne este dia ni tampoco los viernes hasta el Viernes Santo. Se debe practicar la abstinencia en todos los sentidos :)
Hoy aqui me he sorprendido. Hasta el momento no habia conocido a mucha gente catolica, si a una mayoria judia, hasta que hoy he empezado a ver a gente con una cruz grande en la frente.
Together with the ash ritual, people are not supposed to eat meat this day or on Friday until Easter Friday. In theory people should not do anything excessive, sexual, etc.
Until the moment I hadn't met a lot of Catholic people, most of them are Jewish, but today I was surprised when I saw many people with a big cross painted on their foreheads.

La cruz es totalmente visible y oscura, asi que aunque he reconocido perfectamente de que se trataba, me ha parecido exagerado. Sin embargo, cada persona esta en su total de derecho de expresar o no sus creencias religiosas, opiniones e ideas siempre respetando a los demas. Pero puesto que este es un blog para relatar las experiencias que vivo en USA dia a dia, hoy tenia que contar esto. Me ha sorprendido y eso es lo que puedo decir.
Si alguien quiere pronunciarse al respecto, el debate esta abierto!
The cross is totally visible and dark. I immediately knew why they had the cross, but I thought it was exaggerated. However, everyone is free to do and express their religions, opinions and ideas always with respect. But I started this blog to talk about the experiences I'm living in the US day by day and today I wanted to talk about this. I was surprised and that's everything I can say. If anyone wants to say something about it, debate is open!