Hi!! Can you see those balconies? Can you see people standing there? Those balconies belong to the Willis tower, the highest building of Chicago and the highest structure of the world thanks to its antennae :). I'll show you how was our day going up to the 103 floor and how we enjoyed the view from this point. Of course, we also went on the balconies :)
Aqui teneis otra fotito del edificio, si os fijais bien, se ven los balcones muy, muy arriba.
Here you have another picture of the building. If you look carefully you can see the balconies.
La torre Willis es otro de los sitios que aun nos quedaban por ver en esta maravillosa ciudad, asi que otro domingo mas, nos fuimos a explorar mas sitios de Chicago. Llegamos a la ciudad en unos 30 minutos, casi directamente a la torre y tuvimos suerte, no habia ninguna espera para pasar. La ultima vez que probamos, habia una cola de 2 horas ;). Las entradas cuestan 17 $ para adultos, la mas basica, que incluye una visita a un pequeño museo, la subida a la torre y pasar a los balcones. Por supuesto, hay otras entradas mas caras para evitar la cola, etc. En la planta baja vimos el pequeño museo dedicado a Chicago, donde se cuentan cosas de la ciudad, gente importante que ha nacido alli y se habla de la historia de Chicago.
The Willis tower was one of the places we still had to visit in this wonderful city so again on Sunday, we decided to continue exploring more parts of the city. We arrived there in around 30 minutes, we went by train and we arrived almost at the door of the tower. We didn't have to wait this time as in the summer, when the waiting time was of about 2 hours ;). The tickets were 17 $ each and it is the most basic one, including a visit to a small museum on the first floor, going up to the 103 floor and of course, going to the balconies. There are other kinds of tickets just to avoid the waiting time, but the basic one is completely fine.
We first visited the museum dedicated to historical facts of Chicago, important people born here, etc.
Despues montamos en el ascensor, que solo tardo un minuto en subir hasta el piso 103 mientras nos iban indicando la altura de monumentos del mundo como las piramides o la torre Eiffel. La presion en los oidos era bastante fuere, menos mal que solo tardamos un minuto en subir, jeje!
After the museum we went into the elevator to go up to the 103 floor in only 1 minute :). During the short trip, the heights of other monuments and important buildings of the world were showed on a screen. For example, the great pyramid is as high as the 40th floor and the Eiffel tower is as high as the 80th floor. I had a lot of pressure in my ears. Luckily the trip took only 60 seconds :)
Una vez arriba, visitamos otro pequeño museo con mas curiosidades de la ciudad, como por ejemplo, actores, escritores, artistas y politicos que nacieron alli y tambien, muchas de las peliculas que han sido rodadas en la ciudad.
Once on the 103 floor we visited another small museum with more interesting facts about Chicago. We saw which actors, writers, artists and politicians were born in the city. We could also see some of the movies which were filmed in the city.
Por fin pudimos disfrutar de las vistas. En un dia claro, sin nubes o niebla, se puede divisar una distancia de al menos 50 millas, casi 100 kilometros. Es impresionante.
Tambien os enseño algunas fotos que nos echamos en los balcones. La gente estaba un poco asustada y me parecia gracioso, pero os puedo decir, que cuando fue mi turno, me impresiono muchisimo :). Estar a esa altura, con todo transparente alrededor da un poco de yuyu, jeje! Pero fue fantastico ;). Espero que os haya gustado!! :)
We could enjoy the view finally. In a clear day without clouds or mist you can see almost a distance of 50 miles. It is impressive!
Here I also show you some of the pictures we took from the balconies. Some people were a bit scared and I thought it was funny, but when I could go in the balcony I could feel something weird in my stomach, it was very impressive!! So high, on the transparent floor, it is a bit scary, haha! But really fantastic :). Hope you liked it!! :)