Halloween was celebrated last week and since we're living in USA we had to celebrate it properly :)
During the month of October we could see pumpkins everywhere and scary decoration in restaurants, shops, etc to start with the Halloween spirit.
En Espana tambien se celebra el dia de todos los santos y el de los difuntos, pero de manera distinta, aunque cada vez mas se esta importando la tradicion anglosajona. El viernes dia 29 de octubre se podia ver a algunas personas disfrazadas en la Universidad y algunos incluso en el laboratorio, como mi companero Adam :) que se disfrazo de Super Mario y vino asi a trabajar :))
We also celebrate "all the saints" and "dead people" day in Spain, but the tradition is different. However, the American tradition is being imported and celebrated more and more in Spain.
Last Friday, 20th of October, there were some people wearing their costumes at University and even in the labs, as my colleague Adam :) who was dressed up as Super Mario :))
Nosotros no sabiamos muy bien que ibamos a hacer, si salir a dar una vuelta, ir a bailar, comprar un disfraz...me hubiese encantado preparar un disfraz casero, pero por desgracia no tuve nada de tiempo.
Nuestros amigos Patricia e Igor nos invitaron a una fiesta en Chicago, asi que decidimos apuntarnos el mismo sabado por la manana, asi que teniamos muchas cosas por hacer, entre ellas, comprarnos un disfraz.
Nos levantamos el sabado por la manana y nos dirigimos a la tienda de disfraces. Las opciones eran limitadas: chicos, disfraces de cosas musculosas, chicas, cualquier disfraz en version "sexy".
Nos acercamos a la seccion de parejas, donde es posible combinar los disfraces y optamos por coger un disfraz de romano para Thomas y otro de divinidad griega, para mi :)
We didn't know exactly what we would do for Halloween, going for a walk, go dancing, buy a costume...I'd have liked making a costume myself, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time.
Our friends Patricia e Igor invited us to a Halloween party, so we decided to go with them, but we still had many things to do as working and buying the costume!! of course, in the last moment.
We got up early in the morning on Saturday and we went directly to the costume's shop. The choices were limited, for boys costumes with a lot of muscles and for girls any costume in the "sexy" mode.
We went to the "matching-couples" section and we could combine our costumes. A roman costume for Thomas and a Greek goddess for me :)
Mi disfraz era corto en la foto que venia en la bolsa, con lo que estuve un poco nerviosa pensando en si el traje me valdria, ya que no me lo pude probar y no teniamos tiempo de arreglarlo, solo salir de trabajar, disfrazarnos e irnos!
Resultado: era demasiado corto y demasiado ancho...menos mal que Thomas es un manitas y me lo arreglo, pero sin hilo o aguja, con unos clavos, nada mas y nada menos :))
Pense en ponerme unos pantalones debajo, pero quedaba fatal y con las medias solas parecia una prostituta...la sugerencia de Thomas era ponerme unos leggings blancos, ohhh!! que bonitos!! asi que al final, decidi ponerme unos calzoncillos de Thomas encima de las medias, jeje! solucionado! ya no se me veia el culo!
My costume looked a little bit short on the picture and we couldn't try it on at the shop, so I was wondering the whole day how would that thing fit...of course we didn't have time to fix it or nothing because we had to put it on when we finished working.
The result was quite ridiculous: too wide and too short...thank God Thomas is very handy and he could fix it a bit without needle or wire (because we didn't have either) but with a couple of small nails we had at home :)
I thought of wearing pants under the dress, but that was really ugly and only with the stockings I looked as a real prostitute...Thomas suggested wearing white leggings, ohhh!! so freaking ugly!! so finally I decided to were Thomas' underwear on top of my stockings, hehe! at least no one could see my butt, hehehehe!!
Con los disfrasces puestos nos fuimos a coger el tren, eso si, con los abrigos encima, que la noche no estaba para bromas. Al llegar a la estacion vimos a mas gente con disfraces y me quede mas tranquila, las chicas llevaban faldas mucho mas cortas que la mia :))
We our costumes on we went to the train station to go downtown and there were many people with their costumes. I was a lot more quiet when I saw almost all the girls were wearing skirts shorter than mine :))
En la estacion de Sheridan esperamos a Patricia e Igor, que casualmente iban vestidos de romanos!! que coincidencia! eso si, como hacia mucho frio Igor se dejo sus calcetines y zapatos puestos, mientras que Thomas, muy valiente el, se fue en chanclas, jeje!!
We waited for Patricia and Igor at Sheridan station and what a coincidence, they also had Roman costumes!! It was very cold and windy and while Igor kept his socks and shoes on, Thomas just walked on his slippers :)
Patricia, Igor, Thomas y yo
Nuestros amigos Patricia e Igor nos invitaron a una fiesta en Chicago, asi que decidimos apuntarnos el mismo sabado por la manana, asi que teniamos muchas cosas por hacer, entre ellas, comprarnos un disfraz.
Nos levantamos el sabado por la manana y nos dirigimos a la tienda de disfraces. Las opciones eran limitadas: chicos, disfraces de cosas musculosas, chicas, cualquier disfraz en version "sexy".
Nos acercamos a la seccion de parejas, donde es posible combinar los disfraces y optamos por coger un disfraz de romano para Thomas y otro de divinidad griega, para mi :)
We didn't know exactly what we would do for Halloween, going for a walk, go dancing, buy a costume...I'd have liked making a costume myself, but unfortunately I didn't have enough time.
Our friends Patricia e Igor invited us to a Halloween party, so we decided to go with them, but we still had many things to do as working and buying the costume!! of course, in the last moment.
We got up early in the morning on Saturday and we went directly to the costume's shop. The choices were limited, for boys costumes with a lot of muscles and for girls any costume in the "sexy" mode.
We went to the "matching-couples" section and we could combine our costumes. A roman costume for Thomas and a Greek goddess for me :)
Mi disfraz era corto en la foto que venia en la bolsa, con lo que estuve un poco nerviosa pensando en si el traje me valdria, ya que no me lo pude probar y no teniamos tiempo de arreglarlo, solo salir de trabajar, disfrazarnos e irnos!
Resultado: era demasiado corto y demasiado ancho...menos mal que Thomas es un manitas y me lo arreglo, pero sin hilo o aguja, con unos clavos, nada mas y nada menos :))
Pense en ponerme unos pantalones debajo, pero quedaba fatal y con las medias solas parecia una prostituta...la sugerencia de Thomas era ponerme unos leggings blancos, ohhh!! que bonitos!! asi que al final, decidi ponerme unos calzoncillos de Thomas encima de las medias, jeje! solucionado! ya no se me veia el culo!
My costume looked a little bit short on the picture and we couldn't try it on at the shop, so I was wondering the whole day how would that thing fit...of course we didn't have time to fix it or nothing because we had to put it on when we finished working.
The result was quite ridiculous: too wide and too short...thank God Thomas is very handy and he could fix it a bit without needle or wire (because we didn't have either) but with a couple of small nails we had at home :)
I thought of wearing pants under the dress, but that was really ugly and only with the stockings I looked as a real prostitute...Thomas suggested wearing white leggings, ohhh!! so freaking ugly!! so finally I decided to were Thomas' underwear on top of my stockings, hehe! at least no one could see my butt, hehehehe!!
Con los disfrasces puestos nos fuimos a coger el tren, eso si, con los abrigos encima, que la noche no estaba para bromas. Al llegar a la estacion vimos a mas gente con disfraces y me quede mas tranquila, las chicas llevaban faldas mucho mas cortas que la mia :))
We our costumes on we went to the train station to go downtown and there were many people with their costumes. I was a lot more quiet when I saw almost all the girls were wearing skirts shorter than mine :))
En la estacion de Sheridan esperamos a Patricia e Igor, que casualmente iban vestidos de romanos!! que coincidencia! eso si, como hacia mucho frio Igor se dejo sus calcetines y zapatos puestos, mientras que Thomas, muy valiente el, se fue en chanclas, jeje!!
We waited for Patricia and Igor at Sheridan station and what a coincidence, they also had Roman costumes!! It was very cold and windy and while Igor kept his socks and shoes on, Thomas just walked on his slippers :)

Llegamos al apartamento donde se celebraba la fiesta. Yo estaba un poco preocupada pensando que iba a llegar a un sitio donde nadie me conocia con ese disfraz de griega medio prostituta, jejeje! pero bueno, de perdidos al rio!
Habia varias fiestas en el edificio, subimos hasta el piso los cuatro juntos y por fin! ya estabamos en la fiesta. Era pronto aun y no habia mucha gente, hablamos un poco con los anfitriones, hola, que tal, como estais, yo soy de Spain, jejejeje! cuando nos dimos cuenta de que ibamos demasiado disfrazados, habia algunas personas con disfraz completo, pero la mayoria solo llevaba algun detallito encima, sombrero, peluca, etc...nosotros no! todo completo!
En ocasiones no me sentia comoda con el vestidito tan corto, pero despues de unas cuantas charlas, fotos y sobre todo cervezas :) (aunque todas eran light...) me lo pase mucho mejor.
La fiesta no fue excesivamente loca, pero me lo pase estupendamente, varios companeros estaban alli y entre risas, fotos, bebidas, canciones y charlas todo fue muy divertido.
Aqui os enseno algunas fotos de la fiesta :). Los anfitriones eran muy simpaticos y conocimos a mucha gente nueva.
We arrived in the building were the party was. I was a bit concerned thinking that I was going to show up in a place were no one knew me and I was wearing that ridiculous Greek-half-prostitute costume, hehehe! but well...we were already there...
There were several parties in that building, we went up to the apartment and finally! we were at the party. It was early and there were not too many people. We talked a bit to the hosts: hi, how are you?, I'm from Spain, etc, hehehe! then we realized that we were a bit overdressed...some people had a full costume, but most of them were just wearing a hat, wig or something like that, but us...the whole thing on!! hehe!
I felt a bit uncomfortable sometimes with such a short dress but after speaking, taking pictures and drinking a couple of beers (even though they were light...) I felt a lot more relaxed.
The party was not too crazy but I had a great time. Some of my colleagues were there and we talked, danced, drank and took many pictures. It was a lot of fun!
Here you can see some pictures of the party. The hosts were really nice and we met some new people.

Hay varias cosas que me gustaria resaltar:
1) Los chupitos de gelatina que nos tomamos. Yo no los habia visto nunca y al parecer es algo bastante normal...al principio no sabia que era gelatina asi que empine el vaso y espere a que el liquido entrase en mi boca, pero no caia nunca, jeje! hasta que vi que habia casi que masticarlo, jeje! Lo cierto es que no fueron un exito, al menos para nosotros, pero habia que probarlos, no?
There are several things that I would like to highlight:
1) The jelly shots we drank. It was the first time I saw them and apparently it is something very normal here...at the beginning I didn't realize they were made of jelly so I just took the glass and waited until the liquid was in my mouth...that didn't happen, hehe! until I saw that I almost had to chew it, hehe! They were not very successful, but we had to try them, right?
Thomas con su chupito de gelatina. Thomas and his jelly shot
Habia varias fiestas en el edificio, subimos hasta el piso los cuatro juntos y por fin! ya estabamos en la fiesta. Era pronto aun y no habia mucha gente, hablamos un poco con los anfitriones, hola, que tal, como estais, yo soy de Spain, jejejeje! cuando nos dimos cuenta de que ibamos demasiado disfrazados, habia algunas personas con disfraz completo, pero la mayoria solo llevaba algun detallito encima, sombrero, peluca, etc...nosotros no! todo completo!
En ocasiones no me sentia comoda con el vestidito tan corto, pero despues de unas cuantas charlas, fotos y sobre todo cervezas :) (aunque todas eran light...) me lo pase mucho mejor.
La fiesta no fue excesivamente loca, pero me lo pase estupendamente, varios companeros estaban alli y entre risas, fotos, bebidas, canciones y charlas todo fue muy divertido.
Aqui os enseno algunas fotos de la fiesta :). Los anfitriones eran muy simpaticos y conocimos a mucha gente nueva.
We arrived in the building were the party was. I was a bit concerned thinking that I was going to show up in a place were no one knew me and I was wearing that ridiculous Greek-half-prostitute costume, hehehe! but well...we were already there...
There were several parties in that building, we went up to the apartment and finally! we were at the party. It was early and there were not too many people. We talked a bit to the hosts: hi, how are you?, I'm from Spain, etc, hehehe! then we realized that we were a bit overdressed...some people had a full costume, but most of them were just wearing a hat, wig or something like that, but us...the whole thing on!! hehe!
I felt a bit uncomfortable sometimes with such a short dress but after speaking, taking pictures and drinking a couple of beers (even though they were light...) I felt a lot more relaxed.
The party was not too crazy but I had a great time. Some of my colleagues were there and we talked, danced, drank and took many pictures. It was a lot of fun!
Here you can see some pictures of the party. The hosts were really nice and we met some new people.

Hay varias cosas que me gustaria resaltar:
1) Los chupitos de gelatina que nos tomamos. Yo no los habia visto nunca y al parecer es algo bastante normal...al principio no sabia que era gelatina asi que empine el vaso y espere a que el liquido entrase en mi boca, pero no caia nunca, jeje! hasta que vi que habia casi que masticarlo, jeje! Lo cierto es que no fueron un exito, al menos para nosotros, pero habia que probarlos, no?
There are several things that I would like to highlight:
1) The jelly shots we drank. It was the first time I saw them and apparently it is something very normal here...at the beginning I didn't realize they were made of jelly so I just took the glass and waited until the liquid was in my mouth...that didn't happen, hehe! until I saw that I almost had to chew it, hehe! They were not very successful, but we had to try them, right?
2) El maravilloso momento en que decidi hacerme una foto con la cabeza de un lego gigante que era la parte del disfraz de un invitado de la fiesta. Yo fui tan contenta a hacerme la foto y lo primero que hice fue romperlo...
2) The moment when I decided taking a picture with a Lego head from someone's costume. I wanted a picture with that thing, but the first thing I did was breaking it, hehe! thankfully it could be fixed...

3) Lo mas importante de la noche: la espada de Thomas!!!! junto con su disfraz venia una espada con la que no paro de hacer cosas toda la noche!! la espada aparece en aproximadamente el 95 % de las fotos de la fiesta :) y se puede decir que casi todos los presentes en la fiesta cogieron la espada en algun momento para hacer alguna tontuna, jeje!
3) The most important thing of the night: Thomas' sword!!!! the sword was one of the complements of his costume and he didn't stop doing things with the sword during the entire night!! the sword appears in approximately 95 % of the pictures we took at the party :) and we can say that almost everyone at the party took the sword for some minutes to do some funny movement, hehe!

Nos gusto mucho ir a la fiesta, lo pasamos genial y nunca se me olvidara mi maravilloso vestido de divinidad griega por el que pague 50 $...el agno que viene lo prepararemos con mas tiempo y por supuesto, haremos algo especial para celebrar Halloween!
We really liked going to the party, we had a very nice time and I'll never forget about my wonderful Greek goddess costume which was 50 $...next year we'll prepare it with some more time an of course, we'll do something special to celebrate Halloween!

2) The moment when I decided taking a picture with a Lego head from someone's costume. I wanted a picture with that thing, but the first thing I did was breaking it, hehe! thankfully it could be fixed...
3) Lo mas importante de la noche: la espada de Thomas!!!! junto con su disfraz venia una espada con la que no paro de hacer cosas toda la noche!! la espada aparece en aproximadamente el 95 % de las fotos de la fiesta :) y se puede decir que casi todos los presentes en la fiesta cogieron la espada en algun momento para hacer alguna tontuna, jeje!
3) The most important thing of the night: Thomas' sword!!!! the sword was one of the complements of his costume and he didn't stop doing things with the sword during the entire night!! the sword appears in approximately 95 % of the pictures we took at the party :) and we can say that almost everyone at the party took the sword for some minutes to do some funny movement, hehe!

Nos gusto mucho ir a la fiesta, lo pasamos genial y nunca se me olvidara mi maravilloso vestido de divinidad griega por el que pague 50 $...el agno que viene lo prepararemos con mas tiempo y por supuesto, haremos algo especial para celebrar Halloween!
We really liked going to the party, we had a very nice time and I'll never forget about my wonderful Greek goddess costume which was 50 $...next year we'll prepare it with some more time an of course, we'll do something special to celebrate Halloween!