Este fin de semana ha sido probablemente el unico en el que tengamos sabado y domingo libre Thomas y yo, asi que queriamos aprovecharlo para hace un monton de cosas aqui en Chicago. Desafortunadamente, Thomas tiene una infeccion de oido y el medico le ha mandado antibioticos y con ellos, evitar el sol. Esto parecia limitarnos las actividades que queriamos hacer: ir al lago, a la piscina, una excursion en bus y en barco en Chicago, subir a los edificios mas altos, etc. Pero pensadolo bien, aun teniamos un monton de cosas que hacer "indoor".
This weekend has been probably one of the few weekends that we are going to be free in the whole year and we wanted to do as many things as possible here in Chicago. Unfortunately, Thomas has an ear infection and he is taking antibiotics to treat it. The doctor also told him to avoid the sun while taking this medication. This wasn't cool for all the activities we were planning: go to the lake, the swimming pool, bus and boat tour in Chicago, go to the top of the highest buildings, etc, but thinking it again, we still had many things to do indoor.
El sabado me levante de buen humor :) y me fui directamente al gimnasio, despues hicimos un estupendo "brunch" y nos fuimos en autobus a "The old orchard" in Skokie, un centro comercial gigante, al mas puro estilo americano. La idea era pasar el dia alli, mas bien la tarde y al volver, ir a "Giordano's" , el sitio que mis companeros nos recomendaron para probar la pizza rellena estilo Chicago.
On Saturday I got up in a very good mood, I went to the gym for one hour and then we prepared a really nice brunch. After that, we took the bus to "The old orchard" a giant shopping mall in Skoki, real Amercian style. The idea was spending there the afternoon and in our way back, stop at "Giordano's", a place my colleagues recommended us to try the stuffed pizza Chicago style.
This weekend has been probably one of the few weekends that we are going to be free in the whole year and we wanted to do as many things as possible here in Chicago. Unfortunately, Thomas has an ear infection and he is taking antibiotics to treat it. The doctor also told him to avoid the sun while taking this medication. This wasn't cool for all the activities we were planning: go to the lake, the swimming pool, bus and boat tour in Chicago, go to the top of the highest buildings, etc, but thinking it again, we still had many things to do indoor.
El sabado me levante de buen humor :) y me fui directamente al gimnasio, despues hicimos un estupendo "brunch" y nos fuimos en autobus a "The old orchard" in Skokie, un centro comercial gigante, al mas puro estilo americano. La idea era pasar el dia alli, mas bien la tarde y al volver, ir a "Giordano's" , el sitio que mis companeros nos recomendaron para probar la pizza rellena estilo Chicago.
On Saturday I got up in a very good mood, I went to the gym for one hour and then we prepared a really nice brunch. After that, we took the bus to "The old orchard" a giant shopping mall in Skoki, real Amercian style. The idea was spending there the afternoon and in our way back, stop at "Giordano's", a place my colleagues recommended us to try the stuffed pizza Chicago style.
Esta pizza es de unos 3-4 dedos de grosor, es una especie de tarta, con los bordes de masa gruesos y lleva mucho queso y es como a capas, masa, queso, ingredientes, etc.
Pensaba que no me iba a gustar y creia que iba a ser grasienta y pringosa, pero no fue asi, seguramente tenga mucha grasa, pero al menos, cuando la comes no lo parece :). Pedimos la pizza mas pequena de la carta para los dos (para una o dos raciones) y fue mas que suficiente. Nos pedimos la pizza especial de la casa, llevaba toda clase de verduras y salchicha. Al principio, no me hizo mucha gracia lo de la salchicha, pero los trozos eran tan pequenos que ni siquiera me di cuenta de que habia salchicha y la verdad es que la pizza me parecio muy, pero que muy rica, aunque no creo que la coma con mucha asiduidad.
Pensaba que no me iba a gustar y creia que iba a ser grasienta y pringosa, pero no fue asi, seguramente tenga mucha grasa, pero al menos, cuando la comes no lo parece :). Pedimos la pizza mas pequena de la carta para los dos (para una o dos raciones) y fue mas que suficiente. Nos pedimos la pizza especial de la casa, llevaba toda clase de verduras y salchicha. Al principio, no me hizo mucha gracia lo de la salchicha, pero los trozos eran tan pequenos que ni siquiera me di cuenta de que habia salchicha y la verdad es que la pizza me parecio muy, pero que muy rica, aunque no creo que la coma con mucha asiduidad.
This pizza is about 3-4 fingers wide, kind of cake with thick dough sides and it is loaded with cheese. It is prepared in a multilayer structure, dough, cheese, ingredients and so on. I thought I wouldn't like it because I pictured it in my mind as greasy, but it was not like that at all. I'm sure it has a lot of fat, but at least it doesn't look like that when you ear it or taste it :) We ordered the smallest pizza on the menu cart for the two of us (suggested for one or two servings) and it was more than enough. It was the special pizza of the house, with all kind of veggies and sausages. At the beginning, I didn't like much the idea of the sausages, but the pieces were so small that I couldn't even notice it. To be honest, I really liked the pizza, I thought it was delicious, even though I don't think I'm going to eat if very often.
Thomas se comio la pizza tres veces mas rapido que yo. El encontro la tecnica correcta para comersela usando cuchillo y tenedor. Yo me lo pase mucho mejor tirando de las interminables tiras de queso, un trozo, corta, tira, intenta morderlo, se alarga, tira y asi varias veces, jeje!!
Nos fuimos a casa con la tripita llena y nos relajamos viendo una peli. Domingo, sin pensarlo mucho, nos fuimos al acuario Shedd de Chicago, todo ello en el proximo texto :)
Thomas ate the pizza three times faster than me. He found the correct technique to eat it using fork and knife. I had a lot more fun pulling the endless threads of cheese, taking a piece, pulling, trying to cut it, it becomes longer, you eat it and pull it again, hehe!!
We went back home with our bellies really full and we watched a nice movie. Today, Sunday without thinking it much, we've been in Shedd aquarium in Chicago, everything in the next post :)

Nos fuimos a casa con la tripita llena y nos relajamos viendo una peli. Domingo, sin pensarlo mucho, nos fuimos al acuario Shedd de Chicago, todo ello en el proximo texto :)
Thomas ate the pizza three times faster than me. He found the correct technique to eat it using fork and knife. I had a lot more fun pulling the endless threads of cheese, taking a piece, pulling, trying to cut it, it becomes longer, you eat it and pull it again, hehe!!
We went back home with our bellies really full and we watched a nice movie. Today, Sunday without thinking it much, we've been in Shedd aquarium in Chicago, everything in the next post :)
Thomas cogiendo la pizza y yo tirando del queso :)
Thomas trying to get the piece of pizza and me pulling the threads of cheese
Thomas trying to get the piece of pizza and me pulling the threads of cheese