Como sabeis, tengo una larga lista de sitios a los que quiero ir y cosas por hacer. Hoy hemos hecho una de ellas, hemos ido a uno de los jardines botanicos de los alrededores, en concreto al "Chicago Botanic Garden".
Hi all!! Today is Sunday and I finally have some time to write :). I was looking forward to go somewhere, do something, see new places, etc. In fact, I become very angry if the weekend arrives and we don't have plans, but the truth is that we don't have a lot of time.
As you know I have a long list of things to do. Today we've done one of those. We've gone to one of the botanic gardens of Chicago, the "Chicago Botanic Garden" :)
Este jardin botanico es enorme, hemos llegado facilmente despues de 20 minutos en tren y 20 andando. Por suerte el tiempo acompañaba, aunque aun hace fresco. Es gratuito y hay una gran variedad de arboles, plantas de todo el mundo, etc. Hay invernaderos, una sala de arboles frutales y hortalizas, una sala de bonsais, un jardin ingles y la parte que mas me ha gustado, un jardin japones absolutamente precioso!!
This botanic garden is huge. We've arrived there after 20 mins of train and 20 mins walking. Luckily the weather was very nice, even though it wasn't too warm.
You can enter for free and there is an amazing variety of trees, plants and flowers from all over the world. There are also green houses, a room for fruit trees and vegetables, a bonsai exposition (it was closed this time), an English garden and my favorite part, an absolutely beautiful Japanese garden.
Pasamos el dia muy relajadamente, haciendo fotos, caminando entre los jardines, leyendo sobre todos los tipos de flores, etc. Aqui os dejo algunas fotos en las que salimos Thomas y yo y tambien fotos de las flores, plantas, etc.
We had a very relaxing day, we took pictures, walked around the gardens, we read everything about the flowers, etc. Here you can see some picture of us and the flowers :)
Algunas flores :) Some flowers :)
Por ultimo, os dejo las fotos del jardin japones, precioso!
Finally, the pictures of the Japanese garden, wonderful!