It was 2007 when I started thinking about a possible European country where I could develop a small project during my PhD. When I still was in Ciudad Real, a nanotechnology workshop was organized and Albert Schenning (my current boss) was invited to give a lecture in my University. I really liked his lecture and I found some similarities with my work in Spain, so I could have a meeting and talk to him and I decided!! I'll go to Eindhoven!! yes, the city of PSV soccer team!!

Esta soy yo en la puerta principal del Estadio Philips
For some months everything was preparing about the trip and the months I was going to spend in Holland, the new project, housing, trying to find someone known there...finally, the 2nd of June I took a Ryanair flight and I landed in Eindhoven...where I'm still living!!
No tenía ni idea de lo que me iba a encontrar, como sería la gente, la comida, las costumbres, pero

I didn't have any idea about what I was going to find there, how people were, food, traditions, but I thought that being a country inside Europe it couldn't be too different...When I arrived there, my first thougth was really depressive: everything was grey (for a crazy colourful girl like

Al llegar a la ciudad todo cambió un poco, era "koopzondag" el primer domingo de mes, cuando las tiendas están abiertas, no hacía frío y todo el mundo estaba en la calle, parecía bastante animado.
Little by lillte I got used to this new country, with a different rithm of work, etc, but fortunately I met a lot of people willing to help me to integrate in the social life here. Today, it is a city I really love, is quiet, like the city I come from and everything worked very easily.

Bowling cones imported from the USA (really huge)
Going to University
Church in the city center
La increíble cantidad de bicis en la estación de trenes de Eindhoven (Aquí estoy con Gloria, cuando me visitó junto con Esther).
Una de las calles comerciales yendo hacia el centro
Estatua de Frits Philips en Market Square (Aquí Esther y Gloria)
Por ahora, aquí va algo de información sobre Eindhoven, aunque no será lo único que escriba porque tengo reservadas muchas cosas más que vendrán en los siguientes posts!!
So here is some of the information about Eindhoven that I wanted to share, but it won't be the only post because I have a lot more things to tell you about, but you will have to follow the next posts in the ampowerflower blog!!