Dear friends, I didn't want to shut my computer down without telling you a couple of things. I know this is a difficult moment in terms of economy with the big financial crisis in many countries of the world. I also know that many of you are paying rents, mortgages and that some of you are unemployed. However, I'd like you to think for just a second about people living a lot more difficult moments.
Desgraciadamente, no esta en nuestra mano salvar el mundo, pero por otra parte, el argumento de "es que yo no puedo hacer nada" me parece muy pobre y egoista, asi que aunque sea con poco, hacer una pequena contribucion con lo que cada uno pueda es una de las mejores cosas en las que se puede gastar el dinero. Es mi opinion, pero realmente lo creo asi, a pesar de que me considero una gran consumidora...
Unfortunately, we cannot save the world, but I really think there are many things we can do. I don't like when people say "there is nothing I can really do", I think it is, if we can all contribute and help other people with something small, I think it is one of the best ways to spend our money. This is my opinion, even though I consider myself a big consumer...
Lo mas reciente son las inundaciones de Brasil, pero el terremoto de Haiti de hace mas de un ano esta causando muchisimas muertes por colera, hambre y crimen. Por supuesto, las guerras y las circunstancias de otros paises no desarrollados, son situaciones donde muchas personas lo estan pasando mal.
Cualquier organizacion no gubernamental, Cruz Roja de cualquier pais o cualquier sitio donde cada uno confie mas es estupendo para hacer una pequena ayuda, sea la que sea :)
The most recent tragedy has been the huge flooding in Brazil, but the earthquake of Haiti more than a year ago is resulting in thousands of dead people because of colera, starvation and crime. Of course, wars and postwars in many countries and other problems in non-developed countries are pretty difficult situations for many, many people.
The Red Cross or a non-profit organization any of you can trust are very nice options to start helping a little bit, even though your contribution is small ;)