Last Saturday seemed to be just a normal day, work, lab, columns and on top of that, a big storm, great! What I didn't know was that a big surprise was coming! I was completely concentrated on my reactions when Thomas appeared in my lab to tell me we were going to do something special at night ;) he didn't tell me what time or the place, I only had to take some nice clothes to wear. Around 7 pm with our nice clothes on we headed to the "surprise place"
El sitio quedo desvelado, era Chicago, jaja!! Llegamos hasta la parada de Monroe y tras andar unos metros llegamos al destino: "The Palmer house", una pasada de hotel, gigante, donde Thomas habia reservado una cena en uno de los mejores restaurantes y una habitacion "romantica" :)
I knew very soon where we were going, it was Chicago, haha!! We arrived in Monroe and just some meters far we arrived to our destination: "The Palmer house", an awesome hotel where Thomas had booked a table for dinner and "romantic amenities" :)
Y todo hubiese sido romantico de no ser por la celebracion de una boda en este mismo hotel... Despues de la cena, que estuvo bastante bien, aunque aun les falta un toque de elegancia en comparacion con Europa, nos fuimos a dormir y al llegar a nuestra habitacion notamos que habia un ruido "excesivo", esperamos pacientemente, hasta que pasadas mas de 2 horas tuvimos que llamar a la recepcion. Efectivamente, habia una fiesta post-boda en una de las habitaciones contiguas, con gente cantando, hablando, andando por el pasillo, en fin, una fiesta :) y aqui vino el conflicto, cuando todos los huespedes de la planta empezaron a llamar a recepcion y los seguratas llegaron. El encargado de organizar la fiesta post-boda estaba enfadado porque en ningun momento le dijeron que no en el hotel y el fue muy claro a la hora de reservar la habitacion para una fiesta...con lo que la fiesta se prolongo varias horas mas, con gente yendo y viniendo hasta las 7 de la manana, resultado: insomnio :)) A todo ello hay que anadirle que Thomas es alergico a las plumas y a pesar de que especifico que necesitaba una almohada y mantas de material sintetico, todo seguia teniendo plumas. El lo pidio no una, ni dos, ni tres veces...lo pidio 4!! pero nada...y ademas, nuestra botella de champan incluida en el set "romantico" llego muuuy tarde...
Everything could have been romantic but a wedding party spoiled the night...After dinner we went to sleep and we started hearing all kind of noises, music, people talking, walking, etc. After two hours we called to complain about the noise and they told us that there was an after-wedding party in one of the rooms next to ours. Apparently we were not the only ones complaining and many of the guests started calling the hotel manager to complain. Finally, some security people arrived there to ask the party people to be more quiet, but they didn't want because they had booked the room especially for the party and no one said they couldn't do it. In the end, people kept on walking and talking until 7 am...our result was: insomnio :)) but there was something else. Thomas is allergic at feathers, so we specifically asked for pillows and blankets without them...not only once or twice, 4 times!! but, synthetic pillows never arrived, the same as the bottle of champagne included in the "romantic amenities"...
A la manana siguiente nos dirigimos a la recepcion para presentar una queja y al parecer no fuimos los unicos, por lo que solo tuvimos que pagar el desayuno y el resto de la reserva se nos devolvio :) Asi que al menos disfrutamos de un buen desayuno con huevos revueltos, panceta, tostadas, pancakes y una larga lista de cosas ricas :) Fue toda una pena, el sitio es precioso y esta considerado como el lugar de Chicago con los techos mas bonitos, aqui os dejo algunas fotos.
Next morning we went to the reception because we wanted to complain about all the noise and stuff. Apparently we were not the only ones, so thankfully we only had to pay our breakfast and we could get back the rest of our money :) At least we could enjoy a great breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes and a long list of nice food :) It was a pity that the previous night it was so noisy because the place looks really wonderful and it is considered as the place with the most beautiful ceilings in the entire city. Here you can see some pictures.
Lo importante fue el detalle, me encanto y ademas, ya tenemos otra nueva anecdota en nuestras vidas!! la titulare "la noche romantica con alergias y fiestas de boda". Pero como no queriamos parar el ritmo, el domingo seguimos con nuestro pla. En principio queriamos hacer un tour en autobus por la ciudad. Cuesta 29 $, dura unas dos horas y puedes subirte y bajarte donde quieras. Yo tenia muchas ganas de hacerlo, asi que compramos los billetes y aha!! llega el autobus de dos plantas y no hay nada de sitio arriba...vamos abajo y no se ve nada de nada, con lo que nos volvimos a quejar y nos bajamos del autobus. Esperamos al siguiente y nada de sitio, con lo que decidimos dejar esta idea aparcada y nos dirigimos hacia el "Art Institute of Chicago".
The most important thing was the intention and now we have one more anecdote to talk about!! I'll call it "the romantic night with allergies and after-wedding parties"
But we didn't want to stop, so on Sunday we continued with our plan. We wanted to go on a bus tour around the city, you can buy tickets in the street for 29 $. It takes around 2 hours and you can get on and off whenever you want. I really wanted to do it so we bought the tickets to go in the double decker bus. Unfortunately there was no room in the upper part and we couldn't see anything so we decided to wait for the next bus, having the same result, aggg!! Finally we changed our plans and we headed to the "Art Institute of Chicago".
Es uno de los sitios que mas me ha gustado de todo lo que hemos visitado en Chicago y sinceramente, lo recomiendo a todos los que visiteis la ciudad. Se puede comprar la entrada por 18 $, aunque nosotros por tener la tarjeta de la Universidad solo pagamos 12. Los jueves por la noche es gratis :). El instituto es inmenso y hay galerias muy interesantes, desde arte asiatico ancestral hasta obras modernistas y contemporaneas de varios paises. Entre ellas, habia numerosos Picassos y Dalis.
La parte que mas me gusto fue la modernista y las galerias dedicadas al arte contemporaneo. Pude hacer algunas fotos, pero en algunas partes estaba prohibido hacer fotos. Fue bastante impresionante, especialmente el punto donde yo no soy capaz de distinguir entre arte y broma, pero eso solo fue en contadas excepciones.
Aqui os muestro algunas de las obras que mas me impresionaron :)
This is one of the places I liked the most in Chicago and I recommend it to everyone visiting the city. The ticket costs 18 $, but we only paid 12 with our wild card :). On Thursday night it is free!! The art institute is huge and they have really interesting galleries, from ancestral Asian art to modernist and contemporary pieces of art from many countries. They had many Picassos and Dalis.
My favorite parts were the modernist and the contemporary, especially at the point where I wasn't able to distinguish between art and joke, but that only happened in a couple of examples.
Here I show you what impressed me the most :)

La parte que mas me gusto fue la modernista y las galerias dedicadas al arte contemporaneo. Pude hacer algunas fotos, pero en algunas partes estaba prohibido hacer fotos. Fue bastante impresionante, especialmente el punto donde yo no soy capaz de distinguir entre arte y broma, pero eso solo fue en contadas excepciones.
Aqui os muestro algunas de las obras que mas me impresionaron :)
This is one of the places I liked the most in Chicago and I recommend it to everyone visiting the city. The ticket costs 18 $, but we only paid 12 with our wild card :). On Thursday night it is free!! The art institute is huge and they have really interesting galleries, from ancestral Asian art to modernist and contemporary pieces of art from many countries. They had many Picassos and Dalis.
My favorite parts were the modernist and the contemporary, especially at the point where I wasn't able to distinguish between art and joke, but that only happened in a couple of examples.
Here I show you what impressed me the most :)
At the Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulousse-Lautrec

Venus de Milo with drawers by Dali
Torre antropomorfica by Dali
"The chemist gently lifting with extreme precaution the cuticle of a grand piano" by Dali
One of my favorites :))
Espero que os haya gustado! Hope you liked it!
Y finalmente este!! es un video de un artista que estaba cantando diferentes canciones cambiando la letra...fue alucinante. This is a movie of an artist who was singing different songs changing the lyrics...amazing!