Hacia tiempo que no me motivaba tanto haciendo deporte, al menos desde que deje de hacer "cardiocore" en Holanda.
Hola!! Many of you have already heard me talking about the new training program Thomas and I are following "Insanity". To be honest, the name is perfect.
It was very long since I didn't feel so motivated with sports, at least since I stopped doing "cardiocore" in Holland.
En America lo conoce mucha gente y me imagino que en otros paises y tambien en España habra programas parecidos. Abajo podeis ver el enlace.
El programa tiene DVDs con distintos entrenamientos. Dura 60 dias y tiene dos etapas diferentes. Una serie de entrenamientos el primer mes y otros mas duros y profundos el segundo.
This program is very famous in America and I guess there are similar things in other countries and in Spain. You can find the link below.
The package has several DVDs with different trainings. The whole training takes 60 days and it has two different parts. One for the first month and an even harder and deeper part in the second month.
El entrenamiento se basa en cardio casi todo el tiempo y tambien en el equilibrio para fortalecer todo el tronco y mejorar la potencia y fuerza de los musculos.
Junto con los DVDs tambien viene un plan de alimentacion. Es una dieta para seguir el entrenamiento y aunque lo mas seguro es que uno adelgace haciendo el entrenamiento, la dieta no es para perder peso. La dieta se basa en comer 5 veces al dia para mantener los niveles de azucar en la sangre constantes y ademas, acelerar el metabolismo. Asi que ahora, nos vamos a trabajar con 3 comidas en la bolsa! en casa hacemos el desayuno y la cena.
The training is based on cardio exercises, cardiocore and balance and also power exercises. Together with the DVDs there is also a nutrition plan special for the training. Most people loose weight while doing the training, but the diet is not meant for loosing weight. It is based on eating 5 times a day, around 300 kcal per meal and it helps you keep the sugar levels in blood constant and also, accelerating your metabolism. Now we go to work with 3 different meals in our bag :) then we do breakfast and dinner at home.
Habiamos oido que los entrenamientos eran muy duros, pero no lo supimos realmente hasta que comenzamos con el ejercicio, hace unas tres semanas. Estas son la sesiones de ejercicio mas duras que he hecho nunca. El cardiocore era bastante duro, pero solo una vez a la semana. Eso es 6 veces por semana y uno de descanso. Todos los dias es super duro y uno de los dias es para recuperar, con un entrenamiento un poco mas "relajado". Creedme, despues de 10-11 horas de trabajo esto ya es la muerte :)
We had heard how hard the training was, but we really knew it once we started following the program around 3 weeks ago. This is the hardest training I've ever done! Cardiocore lessons were pretty hard too, but only once a week. This is 6 times a week and one day for resting. It is very hard and one of the trainings is dedicated for recovery with more "relaxed" exercises. After 10-11 hours of work in the lab this is really insane ;)
Aqui podeis ver algunos videos del DVD de hoy "Cardio power and resistance", ha sido bastante duro, aunque en realidad de los que llevamos hasta ahora no se cual es peor...creo que el de "Pure cardio".
Las sesiones se basan en periodos de 3-4 minutos sin parar y 30 segundos de descanso. La sesion completa dura entre 40 minutos y una hora. El calentamiento ya es horrible y la primera semana no nos podiamos mover de las agujetas que teniamos.
Here you can see some movies of the DVD we had to follow today "Cardio power and resistance". It was very hard, but to be honest I don't know which one is the worst...I think the one called "Pure cardio".
The trainings are based on periods of 3-4 minutes of exercise and 30 seconds for resting. The whole thing takes from 40 mins to 1 hour. The warming up is already hard and the first week we had an incredible muscle pain.
Thomas and I during one of the exercises. Thomas y yo haciendo uno de los ejercicios :)
Otro de los ejercicios. Another exercise.
La verdad es que estamos muy contentos con el ejercicio y muy motivados. En tres semanas ya hemos observado resultados :) y nos sentimos muy bien, hacer ejercicio es de lo mejorcito!! Os seguire informando y os pondre las fotos del antes y el despues, jeje!!
De momento aqui hay algunas fotos de nuestras caras sudorosas mientras entrenamos.
Insanity, os lo recomiendo!! :)
The truth is that we are very happy with this exercise and very motivated. We have already observed results in these three weeks :) and we feel very well, light and healthy. I love sports!! I'll keep you posted and I'll show you the before and after pictures, hehe!!
In the mean time you can see some pics of our sweaty faces while training :)
Insanity!!! I recommend it. As Shaun T says "dig deeper"!!!!!!!
De momento aqui hay algunas fotos de nuestras caras sudorosas mientras entrenamos.
Insanity, os lo recomiendo!! :)
The truth is that we are very happy with this exercise and very motivated. We have already observed results in these three weeks :) and we feel very well, light and healthy. I love sports!! I'll keep you posted and I'll show you the before and after pictures, hehe!!
In the mean time you can see some pics of our sweaty faces while training :)
Insanity!!! I recommend it. As Shaun T says "dig deeper"!!!!!!!

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