El tiempo parece que esta mejorando un poco y ayer fue un dia excepcional, hizo calor, unos 28 grados y mucho sol. La pena es que solo fue ayer, pero al menos lo aprovechamos.
Hacia tiempo que no saliamos y este fin de semana lo hemos pasado muy bien. El sabado cenamos en "The cellar", mi sitio favorito de Evanston y ayer salimos a hacer una visita a uno de los barrios de Chicago que queria visitar, Albany Park.
Hi all!! It's been very long since I don't write, but nothing really blog worthy happened lately, even though the life of a chemist can be very intense :). However, I don't want the post to be too freaky, heeh!
The weather seems to be getting better and yesterday it was a super warm day. It was around 28 C and very sunny. Unfortunately, that was only yesterday :) but at least, we did a lot of thigs.
It was long since we didn't go out, so we went to "The Cellar" for dinner on Saturday. It is my favorite place in Evanston and yesterday, we visited one of Chicago's neighborhoods, Albany Park.
Albany Park es un barrio de inmigrantes, donde por un momento parece que estes en otro pais. En realidad, parece que te desplazas a mas de 10 paises :) ya que hay tiendas, restaurantes y gentes de todas las partes del mundo.
Una gran parte de la poblacion, junto con las tiendas y restaurantes, es latina, mejicana en especial, pero tambien de otros paises como Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, etc. La cantidad de restaurantes mejicanos es alucinante, demasiado donde elegir y los supermercados con los productos tipicos mejicanos estan por todas partes.
Albany Park is an immigrant neighborhood and for a moment you think you are living in a different country, well in many other different countries :) since there are shops, restaurants and people from all over the world.
A big part of the shops and restaurants are Latin, especially Mexican, but other countries can be found, like Nicaragua, Peru, Honduras, etc. The amount of Mexican restaurants is amazing, too many choices :) and you can also find stores with typical Mexican products.
Otra de las zonas de este barrio es de Oriente Medio y hay varios restaurantes libaneses, panaderias, restaurantes iraquies, etc. Hay un monton de productos tipicos que eran desconocidos para mi, me encanto.
Aqui podeis ver algunas fotos del barrio. Esteticamente no es lo mejor de Chicago, pero el ambiente es buenisimo, hay mucha gente por todas partes, es seguro y se puede ver todo el rato a gente que viene del centro de Chicago en busca de comida o tiendas exoticas.
There is also a zone dedicated to Middle Eastern countries where Lebanese restaurants and bakeries can be found, as well as Iraqi kebabs. There are tones of products which were unknown for me, I loved it!
Here you can see some pictures of the neighborhood. It is not the most beautiful part of Chicago, but the ambient is super cool, there are a lot of people, it is safe and a lot of people are coming from downtown to spend the day looking for exotic food.
Otra parte de este barrio es mayoritariamente coreano. Hay muchos centros de salud orientales, dentistas, oftalmologos, etc, pero todo oriental.
Cerca de aqui hay tambien una comunidad sueca, si! sueca :) con un restaurante sueco, un parque sueco e incluso un museo. La pena es que no nos dio tiempo a visitarlo todo, asi que esto queda pendiente para el proximo dia :). Ademas, hay un museo camboyano, en memoria de las victimas que murieron durante la guerra y otras partes del parque que nos quedaron por visitar.
Another part of the neighborhood is mostly Korean. There are a lot of health centers, eyes centers, farmacies and other Oriental clinics.
Close to the neighborhood there is a Swedish community, yeah, Swedish!! :) there is a Swedish restaurant, a Swedish shop, a Swedish park, etc. We didn't have time visit everything so we'll go back there next time :). There is also a Cambodian museum dedicated to the victims of the war. We'll go back there to visit the Cambodian memorial and other parts of the park.
Para comer elegimos un restaurante estilo persa ;), muy barato, muy bonito y muy rico. Aqui veis las fotos del restaurante y de lo que pedimos: hummus, dolmeh y kebab :). Despues compramos baklawa en la panaderia libanesa, que rico!! Para terminar paseamos por Lake Shore Park antes de volver a casa. Un dia perfecto!!
We chose a Persian restaurant for luch :) cheap, nice and delicious. Here you see the pictures of the restaurant and the food we orderd: hummus, dolmeh and kebab :)
After lunch we bought baklawa in the Lebanese restaurant, delicious!! To finish the day we went for a walk in Lake Shore Park. It was a perfect day!!
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