La cantina tiene varias partes, en un lateral se puede encontrar toda clase de bebidas, desde agua normal o con gas, a zumos, bebidas carbonatadas y sobre todo leche, que tambien la hay de varias clases, entera, semi y "karne melk", es leche que esta como cortada, agria y que tambien puede ser entera o semi...a mi personalemente no me gusta, pero es muy popular aqui.
It has several parts, in one side you can find all kind of drinks: still or sparkling water, juices, non-alcoholic drinks and the most important drink, milk in different versions too, semi-skimmed, skimmed and "karne melk", it is like sour milk, kind of buttermilk. I don't really like it but it is very popular here.
The next part is dedicated to all kind of things you can put inside your bread: sausage, pates, salads (chicken curry salad, crab, egg, I'll talk about them one day, they are not like Spanish salads), cheese (old, young, with spices, light) etc. Here you can also find hard-boiled eggs and tomatoes. Next there is a stand only dedicated to bread. There are at least 10 different kind of breads, white, with cereals, loaves, baguettes, with soy, hard, soft, with nuts, with fruits, the typical "krentenballen" (bread with raisins inside) Dutch people use to eat them with something salty inside, with muesli...this part is pretty ok.
Junto a las ensaladas se encuentran las sopas. Esto fue lo mas duro al llegar aqui, jaja! Hay dos tipos de sopa cada dia: la sopa basica (40 centimos por vaso) y la sopa de lujo (1 euro y algo). Las dos son sopas de bolsa, como las que mostre el otro dia y los sabores pueden siempre sorprender. Los sabores de hoy eran "sopa cremosa de pollo" para la sopa basica y "sopa de pimiento" para la sopa de lujo. Los vasos son de carton y las cucharillas de plastico, de muy mala calidad, si metes la cuchara durante mucho tiempo en la sopa caliente, la cuchara se deforma...a lo mejor ayuda a que la sopa sea mas cremosa :)
In front of this part we can find the area destined to salads and soups. Here you can choose among different kinds of green salad, tomatoes, eggs, some pasta salad, cucumber, etc. You mix everything in a plastic cup and ready to go! What is the nasty thing of these salads? For me personally is the dressing. There are two options, a kind of yogouth dressing and another one with a lot of vinegar. To be honest, I normally only use extra virgin olive oil for my salads and I still didn't manage to find a nice dressing here in Holland, so I keep on using olive oil, you know "liquid gold", the best for your health! :)
Next to the salads we can fin the soups. There are also two different offers: the basic soup (40 cents) and the luxury soup (1 euro something). They are both precooked soups from the bag like the ones I showed you the other day and the ingredients can be surprising. The day I took the pictures there was "creamy chicken soup" for the basic soup and "bell peppers soup" for the luxe soup. You can serve your soup in a paper cup and eat it with a plastic spoon which can be deformed with once it is some time inside the hot soup, maybe this helps to make the soup more creamy...:)

Al lado de las sopas hay una nueva seccion dedicada a bocadillos ya preparados, hay de varias clases, pero te arriesgas a que el pan no sea del dia, ya sabeis: mama, cuando vamos a comer pan de hoy? a lo que la madre contesta: manana! :))
Next to the soup there is a new section dedicated to sandwiches, there are different options, but sometimes you take the risk of eating a kind of "hard as a rock bread". I made a joke for the Spanish version, but if I translate it I'm afraid you don't get it :)
Se pueden encontrar tambien un par de maquinas de cafe, que sinceramente NO recomiendo y por fin nos aproximamos a la parte que mas me gusta!!! la zona reservada a las suculentas comidas calientes, uhhmmm, tan apetitosas!!! estos ricos manjares junto con la presencia de las damas de la cantina hacen que tu comida sea mucho mejor, si cabe...
You can also find a couple of coffie machines that I strongly DON'T recommend and finally we approach my favourite part!!! the zone reserved for the succulent warm food, uhhmmm, so tempting!! these delicacies together with the presence of the cantine workers can make you meal even better, if possible...
Y que podemos encontrar aqui?? Pues una amplia variedad de delicatesen holandesas como frikandel (, que son salchichas hechas con carne de todas las clases juntas: cerdo, vaca, pollo y caballo en gran cantidad. Solo he probado un pequeno trocito y la verdad es que el sabor no me convencio...Tambien hay kroket (, que son croquetas algo mas grandes que las espanolas, pero con un relleno mas peculiar. No puedo evitar compararlas con las croquetas de cocido caseras de mi madre...nada que ver!! La gente las espachurra y se las come en un bocadillo, como en la foto.
And what can we find here?? A wide variety of Dutch deligths as for example: frikandel (, they are sausages made of meat of all kinds together: pork, beef, chicken and horse. I've only tried it once and I really didn't like it...There are also kroket ( they are similar to Spanish croquettes but a bit bigger and the filling is more "peculiar" to me. I can't avoid comparing them to my mother's homemade croquettes, nothing to do!! People mash them and they eat it inside their bread as in the picture.
Together with the frikandel and kroket there are other kind of snacks: meatballs, kebab, pizza and other fried stuff. They don't look nice at all and sometimes I'm surprised why this food can be offered at University, but it is like this! Normally fat drops from these snacks and it is absorbed in the paper under the snacks, but they really don't look healthy. You can try to translate this: (It's a typical smell in some Spanish bars when they cook and reuse the same oil).

Aqui hay una especie de kebab, "worstbrood" (pan con salchichas dentro), croissant con jamon y queso y un "appelflap"
Normally I bring my own food in a box. At the beginning I used to make the traditional Spanish lunch, but at 12 instead of at 14 or so. Now I also bring my own prepared salad and I reserve the big dinner for in the evening. If I buy something here it is normally a soup as I told you already or some bread, but almost never "warm food". Anyway, I'm keeping a lot of extra info for next posts about Dutch food in general, restaurants and typical Dutch meals, everything from my personal point of view and told in my own way :). Everything in next episodes!!