Queridos amigos, hoy me gustaría hablaros de una cosa que me resultó muy "friky" al principio de estar aquí y que es, una de las bandas donde toca Thomas. Ellos son "The Smarteez", vaya algo así como "Los lacasitos."
Dear friends, today I'd like to tell you about something I found pretty "freaky" at the beginning. It is one of the bands where Thomas plays. They are "The Smarteez", the Dutch version of Smarties.
En el sur de Holanda, el carnaval es una de las fiestas más celebradas y las bandas de música carnavalera abundand por aquí. Los Smarteez son una de estas bandas y he de decir que ¡¡son los mejores!! Podeís visitar su página web aquí: www.smarteez.nl
In the South of Holland, carnaval is one of the most celebrated parties and there are tones of carnaval music bands. The Smarteez is one of these bands and I have to say that they are the best!! You can visit their website here: www.smarteez.nl
In the South of Holland, carnaval is one of the most celebrated parties and there are tones of carnaval music bands. The Smarteez is one of these bands and I have to say that they are the best!! You can visit their website here: www.smarteez.nl
He de decir, que la música carnavalera de aquí es bastante pesadita y más cuando viene de algunas de estas bandas que lo que hacen es poner los instrumentos juntos sin hacer música. Bien, ellos no son así, tocan bastante bien, tienen estilo y algo más de gusto y además de tocar música típica de carnaval, también tocan algunos temas populares.
I have to admit that carnaval music is quite heavy and more if it comes from certain bands where they just put the instruments together and try to make them sound, but not music. Well, they are not like that, they have style, taste and apart from playing typical carnaval music, they also play some other popular/pop songs.
Los Smarteez se caracterizan por lo únicos y exclusivos que son sus trajes. Dichos trajes están hechos a mano, con piedras, brillantes, plumas, cueros, etc y lo que se quiere representar, son los colores de los lacasitos. También he de decir, que los trajes son de lo más recargado, pero al mismo tiempo hay que reconocer el trabajo que llevan, lo que al mismo tiempo hace que su precio sea un poco excesivo, llegando a superar los 1500 euros, uooohh!!! Poco a poco os iré enseñando los trajes de cada uno de los miembros de los Smarteez, de momento podeis ver el nuevo traje de Thomas (antes tenia uno prestado) y el traje que me prestan cada ano por carnaval.
The Smarteez are famous because of their only and exclusive home-made suits. They have all kind of colours, feathers, stones, beads, leather, etc trying to resemble the colours of the Smarties. I have to say that theses suits result baroque, but at the same time I have to recognize the huge amount of hours it takes to make them, what also makes the prices so expensive (more than 1500 euros, uohh!!). From now on, I'll try to show you the suits of every Smarteez member. For the moment, you can observe here our Suits: Thomas' new suit (before he had a suit from someone else) and the suit The Smarteez lend me every year for carnaval.
The Smarteez are famous because of their only and exclusive home-made suits. They have all kind of colours, feathers, stones, beads, leather, etc trying to resemble the colours of the Smarties. I have to say that theses suits result baroque, but at the same time I have to recognize the huge amount of hours it takes to make them, what also makes the prices so expensive (more than 1500 euros, uohh!!). From now on, I'll try to show you the suits of every Smarteez member. For the moment, you can observe here our Suits: Thomas' new suit (before he had a suit from someone else) and the suit The Smarteez lend me every year for carnaval.
Thomas y yo misma con nuestros trajecitos. A todos los espanoles se que os resulta grotesco todo esto, ya me habeis acusado de Lady Gaga y Georgie Dann entre otras cosas... Thomas and I with our carnaval suits. For Spanish people this is really weird for our carnaval tradition, some people called me Lady Gaga or Georgie Dann (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgie_Dann).
Yo les conocí en el 2007, al poco tiempo de empezar mi relación con Thomas. La banda prepara cada dos años un viaje de descanso y de diversión para el grupo, se organizan actividades, se lleva comida, juegos, se escucha música y sobre todo, se ríe mucho y se bebe :) ¿y qué se bebe? pues de todo, desde cerveza hasta la bebida más adorada por la banda: Jägermeister, licor de arce. En la siguiente foto podeís ver mi cara la primera vez que lo probé...
I met them in 2007, just when I starte my relationship with Thomas. The band organizes a group trip every two years thinking of relaxing, rest and have a lot of fun. They take food, games, they listen to music, sing and of course, they laugh and drink :) and...what do you drink? you can drink everything, from beer to the most precious drink: Jägermeister, maple liquor. You can see my face the first time I tried it...
Tambien podeis ver algunas de las "actividades" que se hacen durante el fin de semana de los Smarteez, algunos juegos fisicos, karaoke, cabaret, etc.
Here you can also see some of the "activities" you can do during the Smarteez weekend, some physical games, karaoke, cabaret, etc.
Here you can also see some of the "activities" you can do during the Smarteez weekend, some physical games, karaoke, cabaret, etc.

Como buena banda que se precie, los conciertos son una maxima que cumplir y ellos lo cumplen de sobra. Los Smarteez son una de las bandas mas dinamicas de Eindhoven y tienen una media de 3 conciertos al mes. Este numero puede aumentar si el carnaval esta cerca. Desde noviembre (dia 11 exactamente) hasta que empieza el carnaval, todas las semanas hay conciertos y actividades carnavaleras donde muchas bandas participan y por supuesto los Smarteez. Os muestro algunas fotos de los Smarteez tocando en varios lugares, en la calle y en escenarios.
If you have a nice band, concerts are the most important thing to do and in this sense, the Smarteez are the best. They are one of the most dynamic bands in Eindhoven and they can have three concerts (average) per month. This number can be higher if carnaval is close. From November (11th) to the beginning of carnaval, they have concerts every week and other kind of carnaval activities where other bands are involved. Here you can see some pictures of the band playing at different locations, in the street or on the stage.
Todos los anos, la banda celebra el principio de temporada, por supuesto organizando una fiesta llamada "De Startschot" que es algo asi como "el tiro de salida," como en las carreras de atletismo. Cada temporada la fiesta es sobre un tema diferente: festival de Eurovision, el Tirol o la ultima que fue sobre musica soul (no pudimos asistir por coincidir con la defensa de mi tesis). Para esta fiesta la banda lleva trajes especiales, prepara canciones acorde con el tema de la fiesta y trata de atraer el mayor numero de asistentes a la fiesta, que se celebra en Stadspalvijoen.
Every year teh band celebrates the starting of the season organizing a party called "The Startschot" or "the starting shot". Every year the party has a different theme: Eurovision singing contest, The Tirol or the last one about soul music (we couldn't make it this time because it was the same day of my thesis defense). For this party, the band members wear special suits, they play songs about the party's theme and of course, they try to have the biggest number of people at the party, which is celebrated in Stadspalvijoen.
Every year teh band celebrates the starting of the season organizing a party called "The Startschot" or "the starting shot". Every year the party has a different theme: Eurovision singing contest, The Tirol or the last one about soul music (we couldn't make it this time because it was the same day of my thesis defense). For this party, the band members wear special suits, they play songs about the party's theme and of course, they try to have the biggest number of people at the party, which is celebrated in Stadspalvijoen.
Durante los dias de carnaval la banda tiene un programa muy completo que os contare en los siguientes textos, pero para ir abriendo boca os muestro una foto del autobus/bar donde la banda se desplaza a todas partes. De esta manera, no hace falta que la fiesta pare, jaja!
During carnaval the band's programme is really busy and I'll talk about it in the next posts, but to start with, you can see here a picture of the bus/bar where the band can go from one place to the other. This way, the party doesn't have to stop, haha!
During carnaval the band's programme is really busy and I'll talk about it in the next posts, but to start with, you can see here a picture of the bus/bar where the band can go from one place to the other. This way, the party doesn't have to stop, haha!
Recientemente, la banda ha grabado su primer CD "Kei Lekker" que significa "Que rico" en Brabants, el dialecto de esta region. Lo grabaron en un estudio cerca de Eindhoven, un sabado de noviembre en el que yo tambien me uni. Al final incluso pude participar cantando algunas canciones. Es un CD en directo por lo que tambien se grabaron las canciones cantadas como si estuviesemos en un bar.
Durante el carnaval, tambien se celebro una fiesta por el nacimiento del CD.
Recently, the band has recorded their first CD "Kei Lekker", what means something like "So nice" in Brabants, the dialect of this region. They recorded it in a studio close to Eindhoven in November. I also joined that day and I could even participate singing some of the songs. The CD is intended to be a "live music CD" as if they were playing in a bar, so after recording the music, we could sing the songs and make some noise for the background.
During carnaval there was also a party to celebrate the birth of the new CD.
Durante el carnaval, tambien se celebro una fiesta por el nacimiento del CD.
Recently, the band has recorded their first CD "Kei Lekker", what means something like "So nice" in Brabants, the dialect of this region. They recorded it in a studio close to Eindhoven in November. I also joined that day and I could even participate singing some of the songs. The CD is intended to be a "live music CD" as if they were playing in a bar, so after recording the music, we could sing the songs and make some noise for the background.
During carnaval there was also a party to celebrate the birth of the new CD.
Tarjeta de nacimiento del CD "Kei Lekker". Birth card of "Kei Lekker"
Aqui hay algunas fotos durante el dia de la grabacion.
Some pictures of the day of the recording.
Durante todo este tiempo, ellos han sido parte de mi vida aqui en Eindhoven. He ido con ellos a muchos conciertos, a otras ciudades, incluso a la mayor fiesta gay de Alemania en Dusseldorf, he ido a sus fines de semana y ha sido muy agradable compartir con ellos este tiempo.
Al principio pense que seria una banda formada por gente de nuestra edad, luego vi que eran algo mayores (no todos), pero eso no se ningun impedimento para pasarlo bien y muchas veces, me encantaria tener la energia que ellos tienen y las ganas que le ponen para que la banda mejore. Por eso queria dedicarles uno de los textos y por supuesto, hablare de ellos en muchas mas ocasiones.
Como gran recuerdo me queda la tarta que me compraron para mi 26 cumpleanos que fue duarnte el carnaval 2008. Fue un dia maravilloso y encima tuve una gran sorpresa!!
Duribng all this time they have been part of my life here in Eindhoven. I've gone with them to hundreds of concerts, to other cities, to spend the weekend party with them and even to the biggest gay party in Germany (in Dusseldorf). It was always nice spending some time with them, treating me as one more member of the band.
At the beginning I thought the members of the band were more or less my age, but then I could see that they were a bit older than I, but that is not a problem at all to have a nice tiem and sometimes I wish I had their energy and their interest to make the band better. That's why I wanted to dedicate this post to the band and of course, I'll keep on talking about them in next posts.
As a great memory I have the birthday cake they gave me for my 26th birthday, during carnaval 2008. It was a great day and I had a great surprise!!
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