La pena ha sido no poder verlo con Thomas, un holandes de acogida, una espanola y no podemos ver el partido juntos, pero bueno, hubiese sido muy gracioso, asi Thomas no tuvo que aguantar mis chinchorreos durante el partido.I was a bit sad because I couldn't watch the game with Thomas, but this way he didn't have to suffer all my comments during the game :)La pena fue que no esperaba ver un partido en el que el equipo holandes jugase tan sucio, no me gusto nada mis queridos amigos holandeses, que yo os adoro, pero ayer no teniais justificacion. En una final del campeonato del mundo de futbol, deberia verse una leccion de deportividad y sinceramente, ellos ayer no la dieron. Esa fue la parte amarga de la noche, aunque les perdonaremos :)The truth is that I didn't expect a game like this, I mean the "not so nice" way of playing of the Dutch team. Sorry, dear Dutch friends, I really adore you, but there is not an excuse to play like this. I think we should see a lesson of fair play in the final of the world cup and sincerely, I don't think that happened yeserday. That was the part I didn't like yesterday, but we'll forgive them :)La final se vivio al maximo en mi casa, todo el dia esperando el gran momento, pasamos muuuchos nervios, sudamos, gritamos mucho (mi voz lo nota hoy), casi matamos al arbitro, a mi me bajo la tension en mitad del partido, pero finalmente descorchamos unas buenas botellas de champan para celebrarlo.We lived the final with all the passion you can imagine, we were the whole day waiting for the great moment, we were very nervous, we sweated a lot and screamed even more (my voice can feel it today), we almost killed the referee, I even had a drop in my blood pressure, but finally we could open some nice bottles of champaign to celebrate it.

After the game we headed to the center to celebrate the victory, the party was huge because things like these only happen once in a life time, even though we hope to see again. I'm very happy I could enjoy the victory before leaving to the US and now I'll go there feeling very proud of our national soccer team ;)
VIVA ESPANA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aun tengo muchas cosas que contar sobre Holanda y Espana, vienen en camino en los siguientes textos :) Ahora Thomasito tambien tiene un blog: thomashermans.blogspot.com Nos vemos!! See you all!!
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