Hoy os voy a hablar sobre algo que aparentemente no es sorprendente y que es: como tirar la basura :) En Espana si vives en un bloque de apartamentos, hay uno o varios contenedores para cada bloque y tambien, diversos contenedores para reciclar plastico, envases, vidrio, papel, etc. En muchas ciudades tambien hay contenedores subterraneos. Normalmente, una familia estandar espanola tira la basura por la noche, despues de cenar, una vez que se ha generado toda la basura del dia. Si vives en una casa, hay casos en los que varias casas comparten el contenedor o incluso cada uno tiene uno propio.
Ademas, la basura se recoge diariamente, cosa que veo necesaria la verdad :) Ademas, en casi todas las familias espanolas la basura se separa y se recicla. Today I'm going to write about something that is maybe not so surprising: throwing away the trash...yes!
In Spain, if you live in a block of apartments you normally share one or several containers with everyone living in your building. There are also containers for plastic, glass, paper, etc.
In many cities there are also underground containers.
A standard Spanish family would throw away the trash every night after dinner and it will be picked up by the cleaning services of the city hall during the night. If you live in a house, not in a flat you can share the container with some other neighbors or have your own. In both cases, the trash is picked up every day and normally during the night.
En Holanda era diferente. En nuestro bloque de apartamentos, solo se podia tirar la basura los miercoles. Esto en verano es un rollo, hace calor, etc. Justo cuando nos ibamos instalaron los contenedores subterraneos que se abrian con una tarjeta del ayuntamiento de Eindhoven. con esta tarjeta se podia tirar la basura cuando cada uno prefiriese. El padre de Thomas que vive en una casa tiene su propio contenedor, no tan grande como los espanoles, pero puede tirar la basura cuando quiere. Sin embargo, la basura no se recoge diariamente y la gente en general, no separa su basura y esto si que no me gusta!! Pero bueno, si hay un porcentaje de gente que separa y recicla. Aqui en USA tambien es diferente y para mostraros como es, me he grabado a mi misma tirando la basura :) espero que os guste, el proceso es sencillo. De lo que aun no tengo informacion es de si se separa y se recicla la basura, si alguien lo sabe, por favor contadmelo. Os dejo el video :) encontrareis el enlace abajo.
In Holland it was different. We used to live in an apartment were we could only throw away the trash on Wednesday. In the summer this was not very convenient. When we were about to live our apartment, underground containers were installed. We could open them with a card from the city hall and throw the trash whenever we wanted.
Thomas' father lives in a house and he has his own container. However, the trash is not picked up everyday, but at least you can throw it away when you want.
I didn't meet many people separating and recycling trash, so I didn't like that much.
Here in the US it is also different and I wanted to show you about it, so I made a movie, hehe! I recorded myself throwing away the trash. It is pretty easy and fast! What I'd like to know is if the trash is separated and recycled, if anyone knows please tell me.
You can find the link below :)
Frases de Amor para Mi Esposo Cortas
5 years ago
Cuando le has dicho adiós a la basura yo estaba pensando en lo mismo :D Igual que en las pelis!! Almudena.