Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Preparada para el invierno. Ready for winter

Desde hace un par de semanas llevo este abrigo y casi todos los dias estas botas, son super calentitos!! es especial para temperaturas hasta -25 C y resistente al agua, las botas tambien. Me encantan! aun no he pasado frio con ellos. Los guantes solo me los he puesto una vez y son demasiado, esperare a que haga mas frio. Besos!!

This are the coat, the boots and the gloves I'm wearing currently. I started wearing them a couple of weeks ago and I'm really happy with them. The coat is special for low temperatures (-25 C) and the boots are waterproof special for snow :), I wear them almost everyday. The gloves are still to thick and I didn't feel it was so cold, so I'll wear them soon.

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