Hola a todos!! os tengo que escribir para contaros mi primera experiencia ante una ventisca o tormenta de nieve :). Nunca habia visto nada igual y en otros sitios de USA y por supuesto, en otros paises, estas tormentas son mucho peores.
Comenzamos a leer la noticia en la prensa, radio, television, etc y nos estaban alertando para estar listos ante la situacion, unos 60 cm de nieve y vientos de hasta 100 km/h, jeje!
Hi everyone! Today I write to tell you about my first blizzard experience :). I've never seen anything like this before, even though there are worse ones in other states of the US and of course, in other countries.
We read about it on the newspaper and we also heard about it on the radio, TV, etc. There was a big alert to get everyone ready for the blizzard: 60 cm of snow and wind of 100 km/h, hehe!
Esto es lo que se nos avecinaba. This is what we were expecting.
Cuando fuimos a comer ayer empezo a nevar bastante y a hacer un viento exagerado. Cuando nos fuimos a casa ya habia una buena capa de nieve y el viento era horrible :). Lo podeis ver en las siguientes fotos y en el video.Yesterday at lunch time it started being really windy and snow was flying all over the place. When we went back home there was a big layer of snow already and the wind was awful. You can see it in the next pictures and movie.
Ayer cuando nos ibamos a casa. Yesterday on our way back homeEl resto de la tarde y la noche las hemos pasado con un tiempo de ordago...truenos, relampagos y nieve. Todo se veia blanco, no se veia casi el edificio de en frente y el ruido del viento era atronador, ha estado toda la noche igual.
Esta mañana me he levantado a las 7:15 y parecia que estaba todo mas calmado, pero me equivocaba. A los 5 minutos, una nueva ventisca ha empezado. Aqui podeis ver algunas fotos y un video.
The blizzard continued for the rest of the evening and night...thunders, lightnings and snow. Everything was white, I couldn't even see the building in front of our house and the noise caused by the wind was really strong.
I got up at 7:15 today and everything looked calmed and better, but I was wrong. After 5 minutes it started again and you can see it on the next pictures and movie.

Vista desde nuestra ventana a las 8 de la mañana. View from our window at 8 am. Hemos decidido ir a trabajar cuando el viento se ha calmado un poco. Hacia mucho aire aun y habia muchisima nieve, asi que habia que caminar por el centro de la carretera, las aceras tenian cerca de un metro de nieve, jeje!
Hemos llegado a la Universidad sin muchos problemas, tambien hay videos y fotos del camino que hemos hecho.
We've decided to go to work once it was a bit more clear. It was still very windy and there was a lot of snow so we had to walk in the middle of the road because the sidewalks had almost one meter of snow, hehe!
We've arrived at University without serious problems, you can see also some movies and pictures of our way to University.

Technological institute building
View from the window of my lab. Pay attention to the bikes :). Vista desde mi laboratorio, atencion a las bicis.Todo me ha parecido muy curioso y la verdad es que me ha gustado la ventisca!! Ademas, ha sido una buena manera de celebrar mi 29 cumpleaños!! ;)
It was very curious and the truth is that I liked the blizzard!! It was a nice way to celebrate my 20 birthday!! ;)