Ayer fuimos a un concierto de jazz en el Nichols Concert Hall de Evanston. Este sitio esta justamente al lado de nuestra casa :) con lo que pudimos ir con toda tranquilidad. Este auditorio esta dentro del instituto de musica de Chicago, que esta aqui en Evanston, jeje!
Nunca habia pasado al edificio y hace poco Thomas vio en facebook que Paquito de Rivera venia a dar un concierto. Para los que no le conoceis, Paquito de Rivera es un musico cubano, ganador de nada mas y nada menos que de 9 premios Grammy :) Os dejo el link abajo para que veais la discografia y la carrera musical de este artista.
Es muy famoso dentro del mundo del jazz, la musica favorita de Thomas. A mi me gustan los conciertos, pero he de reconocer que no es mi estilo para escuchar en el dia a dia.
Yesterday we went to a Jazz concert in the Nichols Concert Hall of Evanston. This place is just next to our apartment so we could go there in just a few minutes. The concert hall is in the Music Institute of Chicago, which is also in Evanston :)
It was the first time I went to this concert hall and just some days ago Thomas saw there would be a concert of Paquito de Rivera there. I'm including a link to the official website of Paquito D'Rivera. He is a Cuban artist and the winner of 9 Grammy awards :) He is very famous in the world of Jazz music which is Thomas' favorite. I like the concerts a lot, but I have to admit that is not the kind of music I like to listen to while I'm at home.
El concierto empezo a las 7:30 de la tarde y las entradas mas caras solo costaban 25 $, con lo que era un plan de lo mejorcito!! El espectaculo termino sobre las 10 de la noche y se me paso volando!
Los musicos que acompañaron a Paquito D'Rivera en el escenario son los profesores de musica del instituto de musica de Chicago. Empezaron tocando ellos y despues de varios temas presentaron a la gran estrella de la noche.
Paquito toco el saxofon y el clarinete, unas piezas maravillosas, un sonido alucinante, que talento!! Los musicos que le acompañaron eran muy buenos y el espectaculo merecio la pena.
Paquito trajo incluso un artista invitado que el mismo produce. Su nombre es Alex Brown, un pianista de 23 años que es alucinante, ha aprovechado bien su formacion, jeje! Ademas, deberiais haber oido como toca, que melodia, un ritmo estupendo! Abajo podeis ver algunas fotos del concierto, de la sala de conciertos y de los musicos.
The concert started at 7:30 pm and the most expensive tickets were only 25 $ so the plan was super good!! The show finished at 10 and for me it seemed only like 10 minutes.
The musicians playing with Paquito D'Rivera were the music teachers of the Music Institute of Chicago. They started playing some of their compositions and after a couple of numbers they introduced the big guest artist. Paquito played sax and clarinet, wonderful sound, he is so talented!! The musicians were all great improvising and the show was definitely worth it.
Paquito introduced a guest pianist. His name is Alex Brown and he is only 23!!! Paquito has produced his first CD, awesome! I guess he has practiced a lot considering how young he is. What a melody, rhythm and talent! You can see some pictures below: the musicians, the concert and the concert hall.

Paquito playing clarinet :)
Despues del concierto hubo una recepcion y nos tomamos un vinito :) Ademas, nos compramos un par de CDs (caimos) y los artistas nos los firmaron.
There was a reception after the concert and we could drink a glass of wine while waiting for the musicians to sign the CDs we bought :)

There was a reception after the concert and we could drink a glass of wine while waiting for the musicians to sign the CDs we bought :)
Here I am with the trumpet player. Con el trompetista.
With Alex Brown, the gorgeous pianist.
Thomas con Paquito D'Rivera!!!
Lo pasamos genial!! We had a great night with incredible music!!
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