Este edificio es el tercero mas alto de Chicago y solia ser el mas alto hasta que se construyo la torre Sears.
As I've told you in previous posts we still have many things to do in Chicago and last Sunday we did one of those things, we went for lunch to the Hancock building. It is the third highest building of Chicago and it used to be the highest until the Sears tower was built.
Decidimos ir a comer alli porque hay un restaurante y un bar muy chulos y lo mejor, en las plantas 95 y 96!! tambien se puede subir al mirador por 20 $, pero por un poco mas puedes subir y disfrutar de la maravillosa vista y de una comida muy bien preparada :)
El domingo habia un buffet para elegir de todo, asi que hicimos varios viajecitos para coger primero marisco y pescado, despues algo de carne y por ultimo, un gran surtido de dulces.
La vista desde el restaurante es maravillosa y la verdad es que impresiona bastante, por un lado el lago Michigan y por el otro lado la ciudad llena de rascacielos.
Algo que tambien nos impresiono fue la velocidad del ascensor, que solo tardo 30 segundos en subir 95 pisos :) la sensacion fue paracida a ir en avion, incluso sintiendo presion en nuestros oidos.
We decided to go there for lunch because there is a very nice restaurant and a bar and the best thing is that they are on the 95th and 96th floors!! you can go up to the tower for 20 $, but for a bit more than this you can go up to the restaurant and enjoy the view together with the nice food :)
Last Sunday there was a great buffet with absolutely everything and we made several tours to take fish and seafood, meat and sweets for dessert.
The view from there was amazing and I was very impressed. On one side you can see the lake and in the other side you can look at the city with all those skyscrapers.
Going up in the elevator was also quite impressive. It took only 30 seconds to go up to the 95th floor and the feeling was like being in a plain. I could even feel the pressure in my ears :)

Para todos los que decidais venir a Chicago, es algo que teneis que hacer, a nosotros nos encanto, asi que lo recomendamos y por supuesto, os seguire contando todas las cosas que nos quedan por hacer :)
Despues de comer fuimos a "Navy pier", que es una especie de puerto pequeno o paseo junto al lago donde hay muchas tiendas, actividades para ninos, algunas atracciones, pero sobre todo, es un sitio desde donde se puede ver una de las mejores puestas de sol.
El domingo fue un gran dia, nos relajamos, disfrutamos del dia y vimos varias cosas nuevas de la ciudad junto con nuestros amigos Patrica e Igor.
If you decide to come one day to Chicago this is something you really should do. We really liked it and we recommend it. Of course, I'll keep writing about all the things that we still have to do here :)
After lunch we went to the Navy Pier where we walked looking at some shops, activities for children, etc. The best part was the beautiful sunset, from this part of the city the view and the light are great and we took tones of good pictures.
Last Sunday was a great day, we could relax and enjoy the day doing new things in the city together with our friends Igor and Patricia.

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