Normalmente hay un millon de cosas que me apetecen hacer :) pero no tengo mucho tiempo!! asi que hoy era mi oportunidad, jaja!!
Cuando hablo con mi madre via skype, ella a veces me cuenta las recetas que ve en uno de los programas de la manana en Espana:
Hi there!! We have a day off today!! bien! it is the only off day we could take since we arrived almost since we work from Monday to Saturday.
I usually have one million things I'd like to do :) but I don't have time!! so today it was my day!!
When I talk to my mother via skype she tells me about some recipes she sees on TV while watching a Spanish magazine in the morning:
Sergio es un cocinero joven que hace todo tipo de recetas caseras, sanas, para cuidarse y sobre todo, muy ricas!! ademas, tiene varios postres que son muy faciles de hacer y yo, como amante de la comida espanola y manchega especialmente, elegi la receta de los rosquillos para hacerla.
Es un postre tipico espanol, se pueden comer en cualquier epoca del agno, pero son tipicos de Semana Santa.
Todo el proceso de preparacion de los rosquillos segun la facilisima receta de Sergio puede llevar unos 30 o 40 minutos, asi que me he levantado esta manana directa a cocinar los deliciosos rosquillos.
Sergio is a young chef who makes all kind of home-made recipes, healthy, easy and delicious! moreover, he also has many dessert recipes and since I'm a lover of Spanish food and especially food from Castilla -La Mancha, I chose a recipe to make "rosquillos". Rosquillos are a typical Spanish dessert and you can eat them whenever you want but they are typical for Easter time.
According to Sergio's recipe it only takes 30 or 40 minutes to make so I got up early in the morning ready to cook the delicious rosquillos. tenia levadura, que es uno de los ingredientes. Le he pedido a Thomas que fuese al super a comprar un par de cosas, pero el otro dia Thomas trajo "baking soda" o una especie de bicarbonato que se puede utilizar para hacer bizcochos, etc y hacer que la masa suba un poquito. Habiamos usado este tipo de "soda" un millon de veces para hacer postres o al menos, eso era lo que nosotros creiamos...
We didn't have yeast, which was one of the ingredients so I asked Thomas to go to the store to buy it, but a couple of days ago he bought baking soda for cooking, so we thought I could use it to make my rosquillos. We had used it many times before in Holland to bake some cakes so it should be fine. At least that's what we thought...
He puesto mi huevo, mi azucar, leche, aceite, "baking soda" y la harina. La masa me ha quedado genial, ahi teneis la foto. La he dejado reposar 15 minutitos, hemos hecho las bolitas para obtener los rosquillos y el primer problema ha aparecido...las bolas se nos deshacian al intentar hacerle los agujeritos :) jajajaj! al final hemos optado por hacerlos sin agujero, que cutres madre mia!!
I added the egg, sugar, milk, oil, baking soda and flour. The dow was just perfect :) you can see the picture. I left it around 15 minutes before baking the rosquillos and them we made two balls of dough, put them together, press a little bit and then, the first problem appeared...the balls were too soft and we couldn't make the holes :) haha!! we decided to go ahead without holes, so crappy!!
Todo iba bien, sin agujero pero bien, los hemos frito, los hemos rebozado con su azuquitar...uhhhmmm! un hambre! una pinta!! que bien, por fin! con nuestro cafetito, sentados a la mesa dispuestos a comernos los rosquillos y atencion! aqui viene lo bueno...
Los rosquillos estaban tremendamente amargos!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Por que????????? mi gozo en un pozo!!
Everything was going more or less ok. We fried them, put some sugar on top...uhhhh! yummie! they looked nice! yes, finally! we sat at the table with our coffees, looking forward to eat our rosquillos for breakfast and then...OMG! the nice part is coming! the tasted incredibly bitter!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooo!!! Why!!!!!!!! Big disappointment!
Desde el primer momento lo he tenido claro, eso es la "baking soda". Hemos debatido, a lo mejor es esto, a lo mejor lo otro...bla, bla, bla! no es el huevo, no es el azucar, no es la harina, no es el aceite, tiene que ser la punetera baking soda!! jaja! pero que raro! si nosotros la habiamos usado antes...en fin...pensemos como quimicos que somos. Esto es bicarbonato y el bicarbonato sodico se descompone en CO2 y of course!! NaOH, hidroxido ahi el sabor! pero, lo habiamos usado muchas veces antes y esto no habia ocurrido, que habra sido? necesitaran mas coccion los rosquillos? cual es el problema?
From the first moment I knew the problem was the f... baking soda, haha! We debated about it, maybe is the oil, maybe it is the flour...bla, bla, bla! it is not the egg, it is not the sugar, it is not the flour, it has to be the f...baking soda!! haha! but it was still weird because we had used it many times before without troubles. Since we are chemists we started thinking: ok, this is sodium bicarbonate and it decomposes in CO2 and of course, sodium hydroxide NaOH...that was the flavor! but still, we had used it before and we didn't taste anything. What was going on?? maybe we have to bake a bit longer the rosquillos?
Hemos mirado la caja y todo normal, es para cocinar! Asi que hemos hecho un experimento, hemos puesto un poco de baking soda en la sarten y efectivamente, todo el CO2 se ha ido, quedando una capa de solido blanco. He decidido echarle limon, un acido, porque si lo que queda en la sarten entre otras cosas es NaOH, para todo aquel que sea quimico: "acido + base = sal + agua" y asi ha sido, he probado un poquito de esa mezcla y que asco!!! jajajaja!!
We have taken a look at the baking soda box and it says: "for cooking". We decided to do an experiment, we took a spoon of baking soda and put in on the hot pan. All the CO2 was gone leaving a whitish layer on the pan. I put a little bit of lemon (acid) because if you are a chemist you know that: "acid + base = salt + water" and of course, I tasted it...agggggg! disgusting!!
Para seguir confirmando nuestra hipotesis hemos ido a internet, herramienta cientifica donde las haya y ahi es donde hemos hecho el gran descubrimiento, atencion: UNA COSA ES BAKING SODA Y OTRA ES BAKING POWDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To have a deeper insight into our hypothesis (it looks like I'm writing a paper for Jacs...) we looked in the internet as a scientific tool, haha! and it was then when we discovered our mistake, attention: ONE THING IS BAKING SODA AND A DIFFERENT THING IS BAKING POWDER!!!!!!!!!!!
Baking soda: es solo bicarbonato, no tiene nada acido y para que no sepa hay que contrarrestarlo con algun componente acido, limon, etc...
Baking powder: tiene dos componentes, uno acido y otro basico y el sabor se neutraliza cuando se cocina...y eso era lo que nosotros teniamos en Holanda!!! BAKING POWDER!!! NO BAKING SODA!!!
Baking soda: it is only bicarbonate, it doesn't have anything acidic and you have to add an acidic ingredient such as lemon or butter milk to quench the flavor...
Baking powder: it has two components, an acidic and a basic the flavor becomes neutral upon cooking...and that was what we had in Holland!!! BAKING POWDER!! NOT BAKING SODA!!!
Por fin estaba todo explicado, jajajajja! asi que ahora mismo vamos a ir al supermercado a comprar levadura o baking powder, jajajaja! para volver a repetir la receta, hoy no me quedo sin comer rosquillos :))) aunque esta noche me espera el pavo!! yuhuuuu!!
At least it was explained, haha! so right now Thomas is at the store buying yeast and baking POWDER, haha! because I want to repeat the recipe. Today I'm going to eat rosquillos!!! even though the turkey is waiting for me tonight!! yuhuu!!
Puesto que somos unos frikys vamos a hacer diferentes tandas de rosquillos, con levadura y con baking powder y asi comparamos. Hasta hemos pensado hacer experimentos tipo "diferentes proporciones de levadura" a ver que tal saben, jajajaja!
Lo importante es que me he divertido un monton, que pardillos madre mia!! eso si, los rosquillos me los como hoy como Amparo que me llamo!!
Since we are total nerds we are thinking of making different rosquillos batches with yeast and with baking powder in order to compare the resutls. We have also thought of making different yeast ratios experiments, haha!! to see the taste!!
The important thing is that we had a lot of fun, we are real nerds!! but today I'm going to eat rosquillos!!!
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