Christina, una de mis companeras del grupo nos invito a cenar en su casa. Lyle, su novio iba a preparar el tipico pavo de accion de gracias y un monton de platos tipicos de esta noche.
Por supuesto aceptamos! nos hizo mucha ilusion y estabamos deseando ver como era este evento, como seria el pavo, la comida, etc :)
Yesterday there was a big celebration here in the States because it was "Thanksgiving". Some of my colleagues told me that this celebration started after the first colonist took some land from the American Indians. After settling they use to make a big dinner to thank for what they had :)
Christina is one of my colleagues in the group and she invited us for dinner at her place together with her boyfriend and some other colleagues, including our friends Patricia and Igor.
We of course, accepted and we were very excited to see how Thanksgiving was. We were wondering how the turkey was, about the typical food, etc ;)
Christina me dijo que Lyle, su novio, habia empezado a preparar el pavo el domingo, ya que para que la carne este lista, hay que inyectarle caldo de pollo y mantequilla para este tierna. La verdad es que me quede muy sorprendida al ver y probar el pavo. La pinta era inmejorable y el sabor tambien. Me parecia muy dificil preparar un pavo tan grande, pero la carne estaba jugosa y muy tierna.
Christina told me that her boyfriend Lyle started flavoring the turkey last Sunday. They inyected butter and chicken stock into the turkey. This way the meat is nice and tender. They also salted the turkey during two days, keeping it in the fridge. I thought it was very difficult to prepare such a big turkey but I was really surprised, it look great and the taste was excellent. The meat was juicy and tender :)
Ademas del pavo, habia muchisimas mas cosas para comer, todas ellas caseras y muy ricas. Entre otras cosas habia: patatas asadas, se hicieron en el horno debajo del pavo, patatas dulces, judias verdes, "stuffing" es como para rellenar el pavo, tiene trozos de pan, de salchicha y verduras, pero se come fuera del pavo :), "graving" es salsa para el pavo, normalmente se coge del caldo que suelta el pavo al ser asado, tambien habia salsa de arandanos (deliciosa!!), ensalada, huevos y pecan nuts, como nueces pero mas dulces.
Nos pusimos un poco de cada cosa, estaba todo delicioso y no estoy exagerando. Aqui os enseno mi plato.
Apart from turkey, there were many other typical things to eat, everything home-made and nice: roasted potatoes which were baked under the turkey, sweet potatoes, sauteed green beans, stuffing, graving, cranberries sauce, salad, eggs, pecans, etc.
I took a little bit of everything and my plate ended up completely full. Here you can see some pictures.
Nos servimos la comida, mientras hablabamos de todo un poco y despues vino el postre :)) tarta de calabaza. Aunque suena un poco raro hacer algo dulce con una verdura, aqui es muy normal y bien pensado, en Espana tambien tenemos el cabello de angel, que esta hecho de calabaza.
Todo nos encanto, asi que le pedimos a Christina y Lyle todas las recetas! Aqui podeis ver la tarta.
As I said before, everything tasted wonderful. We started eating around 5 pm :) extremely early for Spanish standards, but well, here it is completely normal. We served ourselves and then eat while talking with everyone around. Dessert was also great, we had pumpkin pie. It sounds a bit weird making pie with vegetables, but here it is very normal and after thinking a bit, in Spain we also have "cabello de angel" (angels hair), a typical stuffing for sweets made of pumpkin.
We loved everything and we asked for all the recipes :) Here you can see the picture of the pie.
Estamos encantados con la experiencia, lo pasamos muy bien con nuestros amigos y esperamos poder celebrarlo juntos al menos un agno mas :) We are very happy about Thanksgiving dinner, we had a lot of fun with our friends, so we hope we can celebrate it together at least one more year :)
A lo mejor, la proxima vez, podemos comer turducken, jaja!! un pavo que tiene un pato dentro y el pato un pollo :) que locura!!! haha! Maybe next time we can eat turducken, haha! that was new for us, stuffing a turkey with an stuffed duck (with a chicken inside...) crazy!!

El Turducken es completamente común. Yo lo probé en casa de la familia de mi compañera Ewelina. Es una fiesta con muchísimo encanto, a mi por lo menos me lo parece. Además, en Atlanta ese día se corre el Thanksgiving Half-Marathon, una carrera con un recorrido precioso, con toda la gente el las calles y más de 15000 participantes.
ReplyDeleteMadre mia el turducken! jaja! me hizo mucha gracia :)
ReplyDeleteAyer me lo pase muy bien, me gusto mucho la fiesta y la comida tambien, todo casero, etc, si si.
Aqui creo que no habia ningun evento especial tipo maraton, solamente lo de las tiendas abiertas todo el dia, etc.
Un besito Juanito!!