Puesto que estamos aqui en USA y no tuve oportunidad de ver a mi familia y amigos españoles y holandeses, etc, queria celebrar mi cumple con toda la gente chuli que he conocido aqui. Todos ellos mis compis de laboratorio y del grupo de Thomas.
La fiesta se celebro en nuestro salon, ya que la sala de fiestas de nuestro edificio ya estaba reservada :(. Creiamos que no ibamos a caber todos aqui, pero al final quitando un par de mesas fuera de la circulacion y convirtiendo nuestra cocina en una especie de bar improvisado, lo pasamos genial! Casi todos mis compañeros vinieron y mucha gente del laboratorio de Thomas. La noche fue bastante especial y me gustaria agradecerles a todos su asistencia en nuestro humilde hogar :)
Compre algunas bebidas y cosas de picoteo, pero todos nuestros amigos trajeron mas bebidas, cosas de comer e incluso una tarta!!
Desde aqui quiero agradecerles a todos que viniesen despues de tener una reunion de grupo de mas de 4 horas el mismo sabado por la mañana y algunos de ellos, un reunion de grupo a casi las 6 de la tarde de un sabado. Algunos incluso, hicieron un doble viaje Chicago-Evanston. Despues de la semana y trabajando los sabados, esto se hace un poco pesado, asi que GRACIAS!
Por supuesto, agradecer a mis amigos de todas las partes del mundo por sus felicitaciones, tarjetas e incluso, una caja de dulces japoneses de mi amiga Yuko.
Aqui os dejo algunas fotos del evento, sencillo y divertido, no nos desmadramos, jeje! que ya tenemos una edad ;) me encanto mi fiesta!!
Hi!! I know it is a bit too late to talk about my bday but there are weeks when the only thing I do is work, work and work. Of course, this is something good and I don't complain at all, but I also want to write on my blog :)
Since we are here in the US and I didn't have the chance of spending my bday with my family and European friends, I wanted to celebrate that day with all the wonderful people I've met here. Most of them my lab mates and people from Thomas' group.
The party was celebrated in our living room because the party room of our building was already booked :( We thought we wouldn't fit in here, but just moving the tables we had room enough for all of us. Almost all my colleagues came to the party and a lot of people from Thomas' lab. I had a lot of fun! It was very special for me and I'm very happy everyone came to our house!
I bought some drinks and snacks, but almost everyone brought more drinks, things to eat and even a bday cake!! I loved it!
I would like to thank everyone who came to the party after having a more than four hour long group meeting in the morning and other people another group meeting at 6 pm on Saturday evening. Some people even made a double trip Chicago-Evanston and this can be heavy after the working week which includes Saturday. THANKS!!
Of course, I'd like to thank also all my friends from all over the world for calling, writing, messaging and sending cards, presents, etc. Thanks!! I even got a box of Japanese sweets from my friend Yuko.
Here you can see some pics from the party. It was simple and nice, not really a super crazy party (I'm already old, hehe) but I really loved it!
Empezando la celebracion cenando en Bistro Bordeaux. Starting the celebration in Bistro Bordeaux.

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