Hi all!! The title of this post is not an insult, it is only the name of a restaurant in Chicago "The purple pig". Some friends recommended it to us and of course, we wanted to try it :)
Al salir de la opera llovia a mares, para un dia que salimos y no para de llover, ufff!! queriamos elegir un sitio para cenar cerca de la opera y pensamos en ir a este sitio que en teoria podiamos ir en metro. Lo unico fue que la parada de metro no estaba tan cerca como pensabamos, sino que tuvimos que andar casi 20 minutos hasta encontrarla...en ese momento, nuestros pies ya estaban hechos una sopa y mi mal humor iba en aumento. Una vez en la parada del metro, vimos que solo teniamos que andar un poco mas hasta llegar al restaurante, con lo que continuamos con nuestro paraguas diminuto y chorreando. Nos bajamos al nivel de abajo para intentar acortar la distancia y terminamos en uno de los tuneles mas tetricos de Chicago. No os lo recomiendo...por fin salimos al nivel uno de la ciudad, menos mal! continuamos un poco mas y llegamos al restaurante. En ese momento, pense que la comida tenia que merecer la pena despues del paseo humedo y tetrico que dimos.
It was raining like hell when we went out of the opera building. The only day we went out and it was raining, ufff!! We wanted to go somewhere close to the opera and we thought of going to this place by metro. The only thing was that the metro stop was not as close as we thought. We actually had to walk more than 15 minutes under the heavy rain with our feet completely soaked. My bad mood was raising every minute :). When we arrived to the metro stop we saw we only had to walk a bit more to go to the restaurant, so we continued walking under our tiny umbrella (ella, ella...). We went one level down trying to shorten our way to the restaurant and we ended up in a very sketchy tunnel in Chicago. I don't recommend it to anyone. After some minutes walking there we went up again, thank God! in five minutes we were finally at the restaurant and I though "I hope the food is super excellent after this walk under the rain or else I'll jump out of the window".
El restaurante estaba "petao", tuvimos que esperar un poco tomandonos un vinito, que rico! nos llamaron para sentarnos en nuestra mesa y fue entonces cuando descubri la maravillosa carta de este restaurante. No es un restaurante español ni nada por el estilo, pero ofrecen varias cosas españolas y cuando digo españolas, me refiero a comida de verdad, no a lo que se sirve en un restaurante de los llamados "españoles" donde hay toritos alrededor, toreros y cosas asi...
The restaurant was completely crowded and we had to wait a bit drinking a nice wine, yuhu!! they called us pretty soon and it was then when I discovered the wonderful menu cart they have. It is not a Spanish restaurant or nothing like this, but they server many real Spanish things there and when I say Spanish I mean real food, not like the one served in the so-called "Spanish restaurants" with bulls around and bullfighters...
El menu se componia de platos pequeños para compartir y todo tenia una pinta buenisima, tenian jamon serrano, morcilla, queso manchego y de otras muchas clases, etc, etc.
Aqui os dejo algunas fotos de las cosa que pedimos, acompañadas de un buen vino de Valdepeñas porque yo lo valgo! Despues de comer me di cuenta que no habia echado muchas fotos porque habiamos empezado a comer muy pronto, asi que en algunas fotos la comida esta ya a medias, jeje! pero que quereis? estaba todo buenisimo!!
The menu consisted on small dishes to share and everything looked great. They had serrano ham, morcilla, manchego cheese, etc. Here you can see some pictures of our dinner, which we ate together with a lovely wine from Valdepeñas because I worth it! After dinner I realized I didn't take enough nice pictures because I started eating instead of taking a pic, but everything was delicious so...
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