Hi everyone! Today I'll tell you what we did last Sunday. As I told you before I really liked Albany Park, but there were still some parts that we still had to visit. There is a Swedish part of the neighborhood that we wanted to visit. There are shops, parks and the best part, a Scandinavian food restaurant :)
El domingo pasado, entre otras cosas, fuimos a "Tre Kronor", que significa "la tumba" y no es algo tan raro, jeje! Se llama asi porque antiguamente en Suecia, la comida se solia guardar bajo la tierra para poder conservarla, no tiene nada que ver con los muertos :). El sitio es muy acogedor y en la carta se puede encontrar toda clase de platos tipicos escandinavos: arenques, ensalada de patata, albondigas suecas, etc. Esto ultimo es lo que se pidio Thomas y yo, una variedad de huevos llamados "huevos florentina", parecido a los huevos benedicto. Aqui os dejo algunas fotos :) la mia es horrible, es que Thomas no miro muy bien si la foto estaba en condiciones o no, jeje!
Last week we went to "Tre Kronor" which means "The grave". It has a reasonable explanation. Apparently in the past in the Scandinavian countries, it was common to keep the food under the ground in order to preserve it during long periods of time. The name doesn't have anything to do with dead bodies or the cemetery :)
The place is super cozy and all kind of Scandinavian dishes can be found on its menu cart: herring, potato salad, Swedish meatballs, etc. Thomas order the meatballs and I ordered "eggs florentine" kind of eggs benedict. Here you can see some pics. I look horrible, but I leave it for you to see the food.
I really like Albany park and I hope we can visit the other parts of the neighborhood. Next time I'd like to visit the Cambodian memorial museum. If you are around the Chicago area, don't forget to visit "Tre Kronor", the food was great and the service was charming ;)
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