Hi!! Since I have some spare time while I wait for my visa (I'll tell you about it in next posts) I'll talk about one of the most important things I've done here. Considering I came here to work I can say that this is the most important thing I've done until the moment and it is "group meeting".
En los grupos de investigacion se suele presentar el trabajo que uno hace regularmente. Hay todo tipo de reuniones, algunas informales para presentar los ultimos resultados o hablar sobre problemas que surgen en la investigacion, discusiones sobre nuevos proyectos, etc y otras que son mucho mas formales y donde se presenta tu trabajo de varios meses de una forma muy seria y detallada.
Presenting your work, results, data, etc is very normal in research groups. There are all kind of meetings, some informal where you talk about research problems or your last results and some others a lot more formal where you present your work of the last months in a very detailed way.
En Holanda yo participaba en al menos 4 tipos distintos de meetings y tambien en el llamado "colloquium", que era la reunion mas seria de todas.
Aqui en Northwestern, en el grupo del profesor Stupp me ha tocado dar mi presentacion mas super, mega formal recientemente, en concreto el 11 de junio.
While I still in Holland I used to attend at least four different kinds of meetings and also the so-called "colloquium" of MST. Here we have to do something similar and the past 11th of June it was my turn :)
Queria escribir sobre ello para que sepais las cosas que hago por aqui, jeje! Despues de este dia me fui de vacaciones dos semanitas y junto con el descanso, mas la motivacion producida por lo bien que se dio la reunion, he vuelto cargadita de energia para seguir trabajando en este laboratorio :)
I wanted to write about it for you to know about the things I do here. After this day we went two weeks on holiday. After resting at home and the motivation I got after the meeting (it went well) I'm back in town full of energy to continue working :)
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