Como sabeis el viaje me habia creado bastante estres, jeje! y lo mismo me pasara cuando tenga que volver, pero como siempre, todo fue mucho mejor de lo que yo pensaba.
Llegue con bastante tiempo al aeropuerto, no habia mucha cola con lo que pase los controles de seguridad sin problemas. Hasta aqui me acompaño Thomas :) y despues de aqui...ya solita!
Todo estaba tranquilo en la terminal, movimiento de gente yendo y viniendo, pero sin complicaciones. En mi puerta de embarque habia mucha gente española, muchos de ellos postdocs que volvian a casa por Navidad, jeje!
Hi!! After my last post, I had to tell you how was my flight going back home ;). As you know I was very stressed thinking about the trip, hehe! and I'm sure it'll be the same when I have to fly to Chicago again, but it went a lot better than I thought.
I arrived on time to the airport, the lines were not too long and I passed all the controls successfully. Thomas was with me all the time until I went through the controls :) and after that I continued alone.
Everything was quiet and normal at the terminal, people going here and there, no problems. I met many Spanish people at the boarding gate, many of them were postdocs :) going back home for Christmas.
El avion llego a tiempo y como todo el mundo tiene sus asientos asignados, no hay prisas, colas, empujones ni nada, como pasa en el caso de los vuelos de Ryanair. Mi sitio estaba un poco lejos de la pantalla para ver las pelis, la siguiente pantalla estaba justo encima de mi cabeza :)
The plane arrived on time and since everyone had assigned seats no one had to race to reach their seats as it happens in the Ryanair planes. My seat was a bit too far from the screen to watch movies and the next one was just on top of my head :).
The plain was incredible, even though the seats were not as comfortable as the seats of Air Lingus. We didn't have individual touch screen as in the previous plain, but we also had screens to watch some movies and also, many music channels. The route was: Chicago-Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec-Santiago de Compostela-Madrid, 7 hours and 45 minutes.
La cena se sirvio despues de una hora de vuelo y la comida era bastante buena para ser comida de avion, jeje! despues una peli y al final del vuelo el desayuno :)
Tuve mucha suerte de tener un buen compañero de viaje. Conoci a un chico venezolano que estudiaba en Boston, tenia su portatil y una pelicula "Malditos bastardos", ya la habia visto, pero dura mas de dos horas y es genial para pasar el tiempo en el avion.
Dinner was served after one hour and the food was pretty good, considering it was in a plain :) after that there was a movie and we also had breakfast at the end of the flight :)
I was very lucky I had a nice flight partner, hehe! I met a guy from Venezuela who was studying in Boston. He let me watch "Inglorious basterds" with his laptop and we talked for almost the 8 hours of flight. Thanks to him time went by faster.
Aunque en ocasiones el vuelo se hizo muy pesado, todo salio estupendamente. Aterrizamos a tiempo en la T4 de Barajas y despues de casi 20 minutos de camino, pude encontrar la cinta para recoger mi maleta que contenia rollitos de canela, agujeros de donut, "scones" y una tarta de calabaza entre otras cosas :).
Entonces fue cuando empezo mi jet lag gigante!!! Eran la 1 am de Chicago, 8 am de Madrid, pero en vez de irme a la cama, el dia empezaba otra vez!!! ay!!!
Even though the flight was heavy everything was perfect. We landed in Madrid on time and after 20 minutes walking I could find the belt to pick my suitcase up (with cinnamon rolls, donut holes, coffee scones and pumpkin pie) :)
It was then when my huge jet lag started!! It was 1 am in Chicago and 8 am in Madrid, but instead of going to bed, the day was starting!! aahhh!!
Aun me quedaba coger el tren para llegar a mi casa, otros 15 minutos en taxi y 50 de tren, pero bueno ya estaba casi en casa con mis padres. Ellos me esperaban en la estacion y por supuesto, me puse a llorar cuando les vi :)
I still had to take the train to go home. 15 minutes of taxi and 50 minutes by train, but I was almost home with my parents. They were waiting for me at the train station and of course, I started crying when I saw them :)
Los primeros dias estaban empezando, jeje! mi jet lag me ha estado matando durante tres dias y lo contare en otro texto, pero ademas estoy disfrutando de buena comida, de calidad, buen precio y lo mejor, mis amigos y lo mejor, de lo mejor: mi familia :)
The first day was starting, hehe! my big jet lag has been killing me for 3 days and I'll write about it in the next post, but the most important thing is I'm enjoying Spain, good food, people, my friends and the best thing: my family :)
Todo sobre comida, tradiciones, etc en los siguientes textos!! :)
Everything about food, traditions, etc will come in the next posts!! :)
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