One of the things I've missed the most during these months in USA is jamon!!! I'm not a big fan of meat, but jamon is the best thing ever :) I love it!! If it is good ham, it can be sooo delicious! I really missed it and I asked my mother to have one ready for my visit, hehe!
El mismo dia que llegue a casa (completamente muerta), sali por la tarde con mis padres a una tienda llamada "El reino iberico". Alli compramos lomo y otros embutidos ibericos, pero no compramos el jamon. Eso si, hice muchas fotos!! jeje!
The day I arrived home (completely destroyed) I went shopping with my parents. We were finishing with the last details for Christmas eve dinner. We went to a shop called "The Iberian kingdom (El reino iberico)". We bought different kinds of Iberian sausages, but we didn't buy ham there. I took many pictures there!
En Chicago he comprado muchos productos españoles y en especial manchegos, pero de momento no he encontrado jamon en los supemercados o tiendas donde compro normalmente, aunque seguire explorando :)
I've bought many Spanish products in Chicago, also from Castilla - La Mancha such as manchego cheese, but I still didn't find ham in the stores I usually buy. I'll keep on exploring :)
A continuacion, os muestro las fotos que he hecho de varios jamones, jaja! Primero en la tienda, despues los tenderos cortando, el jamon que tenemos en mi casa, mi madre cortando el jamon...en fin! muchas cosas! para todos mis amigos españoles esto es muy normal, pero estando ahora en España tengo que compartir mis experiencias con el resto de mis amigos :)
You can see here some of the jamon pictures I've taken here: at the shop, cutting the ham, the one we have at home, my mother cutting it, etc. I guess it is something completely normal for all my Spanish friends, but I also want to share it with the rest of my non-Spanish friends :)
The owner of the shop cutting ham. El dueño de la tienda cortando jamon.
Finally, I show you the tapa that was served in a Chinese restaurant :) it was ham!!
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