Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My new office and lab. Mi oficina y laboratorio nuevos

Desde que nos mudamos a Estrasburgo el pasado marzo paso casi todo mi tiempo en este lugar :) el laboratorio y mi oficina, que comparto con mis compis Eko y Henning, de Indonesia y Alemania, respectivamente.
El laboratorio es tranquilo, de momento estoy sola trabajando alli, pero esta comunicado con otros laboratorios y veo gente constantemente. Creo que aun lo tengo bastante organizado, aunque despues de algun dia de muchos experimentos, puede parecer un desastre, jeje!
Os dejo las fotos para que os vayais familiarizando con el entorno :)
Since we moved to Strasbourg last March I have spent almost all my time in these two places, the lab and my office, which I share with my two colleagues, Eko and Henning, from Indonesia and Germany respectively.
The lab is pretty quiet, so far I'm working alone there but it is communicated with other labs and I see people going in and out all the time. I think I still have it very organized but after a day of lots of experiments it can look ultra messy, hehe!
Here you can see some pictures so you can get familiar with my working environment :)

Laboratorio. Lab.

Campana. Fumehood.

Mi mesa. My desk.

Las mesas de mis colegas. My colleagues' desks

Aqui estoy yo trabajando en la escritura de una beca para tener financiacion $$$$$$$
That's me writing a grant to get some funding $$$$

Science is life!!! I hope the Spanish system recovers and gets credit to all the wonderful Spanish scientists all around the world. Unluckily, politicians don't see that so far :( We'll join our efforts to make a change!

Light show in Strasbourg. Festival de las luces en Estrasburgo.

El verano en Estrasburgo es de lo mas entretenido, hay cantidad de eventos y espectaculos para atraer aun mas la atencion de los visitantes.
Para dar la bienvenida al verano hubo un desfile de verano "Parade de ete", que aunque no fue lo mas llamativo del mundo, si que le dio a la ciudad un toque especial y de color. Podeis ver las fotos abajo de los participantes del desfile en sus zancos, especie de duendes y seres del bosque :)
Summer in Strasbourg is pretty entertaining. There are so many events and shows all around the city, it's amazing! It even attracts more visitors!
To start with, we had a summer parade to welcome the summer season. It was not the most beautiful parade I've ever seen, but people participating were very good, especially walking around on their stilts. You can see some pictures of the "forest creatures" :)

Festival del verano en Estrasburgo. Parade d'ete in Strasbourg

Ademas, durante los meses de julio y agosto, hay varios espectaculos de iluminacion en la ciudad, los siete dias de la semana! Uno de ellos es en la catedral, justo al lado de nuestra casa. El espectaculo empieza a las 22:30 y consiste en un juego de luces acompañado de musica clasica que dura unos 20 minutos y se repite cada media hora. Solo hay musica durante las dos primeras repeticiones y luego solo el juego de luces. Es precioso!! 
Os dejo algunas fotos del primer dia. El centro era un hervidero, hubo un concierto de musica clasica y opera y a continuacion, el espectaculo de iluminacion. 
Ahora me he acostumbrado, pero el primer dia me parecio grandioso. Espero que os guste!
Besides, during the months of July and August there are several light shows around the city, seven days a week! One of them is at the cathedral, just next to our house. The show starts at 10:30 pm and it consists of a light display all over the cathedrals gable together with classical music. It lasts around 20 minutes and it repeats every half an hour. The music only plays the first two times so the neighbors are not bothered :) but the light show keeps on going until the sun rises again. It is fantastic!
Here you can see some pictures of the first day of all. The city center was crowded, there was an opera concert at the beginning and then the show. I have seen it many times in this month and I'm getting used to it, but I think it is just beautiful! I hope you like it!

Gente esperando el comienzo del espectaculo. People waiting for the show to start.

All these pictures show different moments of the show.
Estas fotos muestran distintos momentos del espectaculo.

Estas dos ultimas fotos son desde nuestra ventana :)
The last two pics are taken from our window :)

Para terminar os muestro algunos videos, desde abajo y desde nuestra ventana, es precioso!
To end up the post I show you some movies from the street and also from our window, it is so pretty!

    From our house. Desde casa.

From the street. Desde la calle.

Muchas mas cosas en proximos posts :)
Many more things in the next posts :)

FELIZ VERANO!!!! (Aunque no tengo vacaciones...)
HAPPY SUMMER!!! (Even though I don't have holidays...)